Anonymous ID: 27a42a May 14, 2020, 3:30 p.m. No.9175454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5706

>Marriage is: one man, one woman

You blew it "dear"~

God has a special place in hell just for you~

You betrayed our children you sick fuck~

Contract broken~

Cringe desperate ex begging rapist~

Who just happens to push China BS anti-5G and anti-Israeli talking points~


TrashCompactor e.BamaBot | Danlie <<<<


>Marriage is: one man, one woman

You blew it "dear"~

God has a special place in hell just for you~

You betrayed our children you sick fuck~

Contract broken~

Cringe desperate ex begging rapist~

Who just happens to push China BS anti-5G and anti-Israeli talking points~


TrashCompactor e.BamaBot | Danlie <<<<


>Marriage is: one man, one woman

You blew it "dear"~

God has a special place in hell just for you~

You betrayed our children you sick fuck~

Contract broken~

Cringe desperate ex begging rapist~

Who just happens to push China BS anti-5G and anti-Israeli talking points~


TrashCompactor e.BamaBot | Danlie <<<<

Anonymous ID: 27a42a May 14, 2020, 3:31 p.m. No.9175465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5706

Imagine dating the aB.usive controbker here.

Smell how putrid their place is.

Taste the nausea of their air.

Yearning for their "leadership".

Hear how often they yell at you to lick their muh.<shitoff the ground.

See how infected their cocks are.

Feel them behind you with a manic smile.

Sense how small they want you to feel.

Know how scared they need you to be.

Look, there are others.

Welcome to their farm.


Watch them laugh as you tell them love has faded.

They knew they lied.


Believe you are given a chance to wash them away.

They'll beg you to come back.

We have a life to live without them.

Americas Military is fighting for your children.

Surrounded rapists cower from Military Guns.


Hear the clean breeze of Raphael

Feel the refreshing waters of Gabriel

Smell the ageless campfire of Michael

Sense the solid earth of Uriel

God is in you now.

Cast demons out.

Tomorrow you'll be closer.

Today you are too.

>Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.

Night is darkest before the Dawn~


Anonymous ID: 27a42a May 14, 2020, 3:31 p.m. No.9175474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5706

Consensus confirmed

Pence hate = distracting attack deployed by our enemy to keep us from acting on:


>Q's crumb with the #Killary tag and Benghazi victims has the filename "x". In chess, x means a piece is captured and taken off the board.


>[Man in the picture is] Kris Paronto, survivor and hero.

>HRC is the Queen. Trump's demand to Graham was a distraction.

The x means the Queen has been, or is about to be, taken down.


Billary = Queen, planning a move to protect their figurehead king [obama]

Q let us know #killary is in their AC130 Sights.

We may soon see a resurgence of bengazi related news, as the names on the soldiers hand (And he himself) were involved in that attack.


Now is the time to produce OC memes about bengazi, killary, and how tight knit she is to Obama.