Anonymous ID: 2d4d60 May 14, 2020, 4:10 p.m. No.9175993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Flynn's Lawyer Excoriates Obama In Open Letter


Last week, former President Barack Obama reacted to the DOJ's move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring in a leaked private phone call that the "rule of law is at risk," and that "there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free."


"That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk. And when you start moving in those directions, it can accelerate pretty quickly as we’ve seen in other places," said the former President.


On Wednesday, Flynn's lawyer Sidney Powell punched back - correcting Obama's inaccurate diatribe, while managing to drop MOABs on his "wingman" - former Attorney General Eric Holder, Andrew McCabe, Loretta Lynch and others. It's quite the read.


To: Barack Hussein Obama

From: Sidney Powell


Date: May 13, 2020


Re: Your Failure to Find Precedent for Flynn Dismissal


Regarding the decision of the Department of Justice to dismiss charges against General Flynn, in your recent call with your alumni, you expressed great concern: “there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free. That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk.”


Here is some help—if truth and precedent represent your true concern. Your statement is entirely false. However, it does explain the damage to the Rule of Law throughout your administration.


First, General Flynn was not charged with perjury—which requires a material false statement made under oath with intent to deceive.1A perjury prosecution would have been appropriate and the Rule of Law applied if the Justice Department prosecuted your former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for his multiple lies under oath in an investigation of a leak only he knew he caused.


McCabe lied under oath in fully recorded and transcribed interviews with the Inspector General for the DOJ. He was informed of the purpose of the interview, and he had had the benefit of counsel. He knew he was the leaker. McCabe even lied about lying. He lied to his own agents—which sent them on a “wild-goose-chase”—thereby making his lies “material” and an obstruction of justice. Yet, remarkably, Attorney General Barr declined to prosecute McCabe for these offenses.


Applying the Rule of Law, after declining McCabe’s perjury prosecution, required the Justice Department to dismiss the prosecution of General Flynn who was not warned, not under oath, had no counsel, and whose statements were not only not recorded, but were created as false by FBI agents who falsified the 302.


Second, it would seem your “wingman” Eric Holder is missing a step these days at Covington & Burling LLP. Indelibly marked in his memory (and one might think, yours) should be his Motion to Dismiss the multi-count jury verdict of guilty and the entire case against former United States Senator Ted Stevens. Within weeks of Mr. Holder becoming Attorney General, he moved to dismiss the Stevens prosecution in the interest of justice for the same reasons the Justice Department did against General Flynn—egregious misconduct by prosecutors who hid exculpatory evidence and concocted purported crimes.


As horrifying as the facts of the Stevens case were, they pale in comparison to the targeted setup, framing, and prosecution of a newly elected President’s National Security Advisor and the shocking facts that surround it. This case was an assault on the heart of liberty— our cherished system of self-government, the right of citizens to choose their President, and the hallowed peaceful transition of power.


Third, the inability of anyone in your alumni association to find “anybody who has been charged [with anything] just getting off scot-free” would be laughable were it not so pathetic.

Anonymous ID: 2d4d60 May 14, 2020, 4:21 p.m. No.9176137   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brennan: Rand Paul’s ‘Inane Comments’ Show He Has No Understanding of Intelligence Profession


Thursday on MSNBC, former CIA Director John Brennan called Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) comments criticizing the unmasking of former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn “inane,” adding Paul lacked understanding of the intelligence profession.


Brennan said, “Let’s get straight what unmasking is. The National Security Agency, which is responsible for collecting intercepted communications and then pushing them out to the intelligence community, the professionals, when they see these intercepts of national security value, they distribute these reports, and if there’s a U.S. person’s name in it, they will conceal that name for privacy purposes as well as for counterintelligence investigative purposes. So the report will say something like U.S. person number one, U.S. person number two, U.S. person number three. When these reports are sent out, there are individuals within the government who have the authority and responsibility to find out who might be engaged in discussions with foreign government officials, whether they be intelligence officers or foreign government officials or whomever. So there have been thousands upon thousands of cases in this current administration where there have been unmaskings of these names, which means that the individuals with the proper clearances can request the identity of the individual who was engaged in some conversation that was collected in this intercept. ”


He continued, “So, therefore, it doesn’t mean that they be declassified. It doesn’t mean that it’s going to be revealed publicly. It just means that the people in positions of authority and responsibility, in fact, are going to have the ability to understand who might be involved in these very sensitive conversations that could, in fact, be designed to undermine our security.”


He added, “So when I’ve heard some of the comments today by like Senator Paul, whose comments —he has no understanding of the intelligence profession. He makes these inane comments that really misrepresents the facts. And so I’m sure at Fox News, and others right now are engaged to try to besmirch the reputation of a lot of people within the Obama administration who were carrying out their responsibilities the way they should have.”

Anonymous ID: 2d4d60 May 14, 2020, 4:22 p.m. No.9176159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6259

Space Force Starts Recruiting With First Ad: ‘Maybe Your Purpose Isn’t on This Planet’


The United States Space Force has launched its first commercial, a thirty-second ad uploaded to the U.S. Air Force and Space Force


Less than two years from when President Trump announced the creation of the 6th major division of the United States Armed Forces, Space Force has launched its first commercial, a thirty-second ad uploaded to the U.S. Air Force and Space Force Recruiting YouTube page.


The ad features a young man staring up at the stars while a narrator opines, “Some people look to the stars and ask, ‘What if?’ Our job is to have an answer.”


A montage flashes images of uniformed personnel, rocket launches, and satellites, while the narration continues:


“We would have to imagine what will be imagined, plan for what’s possible while there’s still impossible. Maybe you weren’t put here just to ask the questions. Maybe you were put here to be the answer.”


A pitch to possible recruits, its final humdinger ends: “Maybe your purpose on this planet isn’t on this planet.”


Since it surged into the cultural zeitgeist in 2018, the U.S. Space Force has been the subject of countless memes, cartoons, and jokes. But behind its public-facing presentation, there is a deadly intensity and momentum. Scarcely over two months ago, the branch received its first offensive weapon, a Counter Communications System (CCS) that functions as a military satellite communications jammer.


GPS satellites gather intelligence, sniff out missile launches, and facilitate precise military hits. The development of satellite communications jammers is part of the new space race taking place between the United States, Russia, and China. Orbital and sub-orbital communication warfare between satellites is widely considered to be first major theater of military space offensives.


“It’s not about putting military service members in space, it has nothing to do with NASA, it’s not about protecting Earth from asteroids or aliens,” said Todd Harrison, Aerospace Security Project Director at the Center for Strategic & International Studies.


Upon signing the 2019 NDAA, which allocated $738 billion in defense spending, President Trump stated: “Space is the world’s newest war-fighting domain.”


However, it’s hard to say what future Space Force missions could eventually include. Right now the Pentagon is rerouting over 16,000 Air Force duty and civilian personnel to Space Force assignments. They’re learning the ins and outs of successful space launches from SpaceX. They’re still figuring out their official uniform, logo, and song.


The actual mechanics and long-term objectives of militarizing space is a murky topic in the already murky depths of the military-industrial complex.


In recent years, NASA considerably bulked up its commercial/PR image. It seems Space Force is coming out of the gate doing the same with its first commercial. And though it’s unlikely that the new Netflix show Space Force (starring Steve Carell) will have any more connection to the reality of its subject matter than Reno 911 did to law enforcement, it will certainly keep the new cosmic military fleet in the pop culture limelight.