GovAnon here.
Found the board, know a bit of something. Number of folks still waiting for justice, the gears of it are moving but slowly despite the sand put in them. Expect more B-listers like Scott Moretti to be arrested around the end of the month through start of July, to prep for the A-listers.
Public needs time to warm up, let things simmer. For followers of a certain letter expect 1 or 2 more 'fake outs', as everything is about spent. Its not all been one way, as the silent war finishes up. We're at something akin to the last stages of the battle of the bulge in the West.
Markets are being propped up, as many might surmise to try and get industry moved back here. Its looking fairly 50-50. If it works prepare for a v shaped recovery. If it doesn't prepare for an r shaped recovery with efforts to delay an impending crash of overvalued assets to after December.
China, and the deep state is generally in deep shit and almost out of cards to play. Xi emerges as a big winner eventually.
Keep the pressure up meme wise, especially around June.
To try and align India as a buffer against China (Imperiling Africa by sea) some work permits will go to them, and likely some to Mexico but they can be kept to a minimum if people see fervor with it. As the old guard are systemically destroyed expect more panic, and fingers breaking through the bottom of the barrel. Dems might be a ghost of a party after November, may collapse entirely after 2022.
Posting once, as a level. Will stay to answer questions for 2 hours in this thread.