How do you redpill somebody who has been viewing nothing but CNN and MSNBC for the past 4 years? How do you redpill somebody when "orange man bad" is the FOUNDATION of all their political stances? How do you redpill somebody who has vocally trashed the President every day for years, and who would have to admit they were wrong to do so in order to get redpilled? How do you redpill somebody who lives on fear and anger?
I've repeatedly encouraged them to do exactly that, but let's face it, telling an old man to shut off his TV during quarantine is a bit cruel.
What would be a blackpill strong enough to shatter the illusion? Frazzledrip or some pedo tapes? Proof of treasonous acts? Proof of criminal activity?
I can't imagine the media wouldn't just cry DEEPFAKE or NO FAIR. And if you automatically agree with the MAN narrative, so will you.
Truly the Enemy of the People.
I hate to say it, but watching that stuff makes people into worse people. The kind of hate the media is able to instill against POTUS is so powerful that it causes people to consider their own family and neighbors as the enemy for supporting him. It is able to make people vicious towards their own friends and family. These people ACTUALLY trust talking heads in a glowing box more than they trust that their own loved ones are good people.
I want to believe this is just some kind of brainwashing that can be undone, something external to the person morally, but the fact is some of these people have clearly made a choice to drink the hatorade at any cost.
Actually, I just checked the date.
I see your point, though. Positive news about POTUS can help sway opinions.
I don't quite think most folks realize the level of bluepill I'm discussing here, though. These are people who download their opinions from CNN in real time. If CNN says Trump is trying to create a Banana Republic, they will say that Trump wants a Banana Republic. They will say this even if they don't know the meaning of the phrase and never once used it before. These are people who still think Kavanaugh is a literal rapist. These are people who can watch the media hold two opposite stances in sequence and agree with them both times.
>3. Socratic method works (that's what Q uses) - a series of statements and questions spurs thought and curiosity. People do better when they learn and tell you about it.
This is good advice. I've found that this works fairly well on most people, and you're right, a certain amount of ego protection needs to be involved or people become dissonant.
Still, this is taking it on faith that a person will entertain a question and at least think for 5 seconds. There's a subset of people who will only accept information that a source of authority relays to them. They don't think at all-they outsource it to someone more qualified. How do you get someone to think for themselves?