Anonymous ID: d1d3ac May 14, 2020, 6:07 p.m. No.9177564   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's an incredibly stupid video

That has some brilliant analysis

But falls flat on its face at the end

As it slides into white nationalism

Completely missing the fact


Are being stolen by the enemy into slavery

And being murdered daily

And that those women are all races

And the enemy too, is all races.


So the final call should be for all Americans

To rise up against the enemy who preys on us

The Globalist Criminal Cabal

Of transnational criminal gangs.


In fact, that is precisely the battle that the DOD

Is currently waging discreetly and as silently as possible.

Any uprising by white nationalists

Would paint them as enemies of the people

And allies of the transnational criminal gangs.

A really stupid move.