Anonymous ID: 09c88e May 14, 2020, 6:40 p.m. No.9178008   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Turkish President Erdogan, NATO Chief Stoltenberg Discuss COVID-19 Response, Libya


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg have discussed the global efforts to combat the spread of COVID-19 and the ongoing conflict in Libya, according to a statement by the military alliance on Thursday.


“They discussed NATO’s ongoing efforts to support Allies in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. The Secretary-General commended Turkey for its support with medical equipment to other Allies and partners, in response to requests made through NATO’s Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre”, the NATO statement read.


Stoltenberg stated that solidarity within the alliance was crucial amid the ongoing epidemiological and economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the statement.


Both Erdogan and Stoltenberg also discussed the ongoing security challenges in Libya, the alliance stated.


“As stated by NATO Heads of State and Government at the 2018 Brussels Summit, NATO is prepared to help Libya in the area of defence and security institution building, in response to the request by the Prime Minister of the Government of National Accord to assist the GNA to strengthen its security institutions”, the NATO statement read.


Turkey has been a staunch supporter of the North African country’s UN-recognized Government of National Accord, which is currently in conflict with the Libyan National Army, led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar.


The Turkish president and NATO Secretary-General held their last face-to-face meeting on 9 March, when the escalation of violence in Syria formed the basis of talks. At that time, Stoltenberg reaffirmed the alliance’s commitment to supporting Turkey.

Anonymous ID: 09c88e May 14, 2020, 6:42 p.m. No.9178023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8054 >>8056 >>8266 >>8510 >>8637 >>8667

WHO Chief Scientist: ‘Four to Five-Year’ Struggle Ahead Before Containing COVID-19


Soumya Swaminathan, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) chief scientist, attempted to temper expectations of a “crystal ball” timeline for the containment of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus on Wednesday, expressing that vaccines are not guaranteed and the pandemic may even take a turn for the worse.


“I would say in a four to five-year timeframe we could be looking at controlling this,” the expert said to the Financial Times’ Global Boardroom webinar on Wednesday. She emphasized that there is “no crystal ball” when it comes to the possible threat of the highly contagious disease in the future.


Swaminathan told the remote audience that while the world’s top scientists are seeking to find a vaccine for the novel coronavirus, which “seems for now the best way out,” she noted there are “lots of ifs and buts” regarding the production, distribution, safety and efficacy of such a drug.


Furthermore, there’s also the possibility that a mutation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus could render a vaccine ineffective.


The global health agency official’s comments offer a sobering perspective on the pandemic in the wake of vaccine-related comments from WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Monday during a video conference with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.


“We have good candidates now … The top ones are around seven, eight. But we have more than a hundred candidates,” Tedros said, as reported by the Star Tribune. Considering his previous projection of a 12 to 18-month waiting period before scientists could provide a safe vaccine, the disparity between timetables appears to allow quite an extended period between the vaccine’s development and the steps that would actually be needed to control the novel coronavirus.


Swaminathan’s reality check continued during the Wednesday webinar when she also highlighted that the global pandemic could “potentially get worse” as leaders in countries such as the US are being forced to weigh the economic and public health risks in lifting restrictions originally put in place to mitigate the impact of the novel coronavirus.


Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO’s emergencies program, took his fellow officials’ warnings a step further earlier this week when he discussed COVID-19’s “vicious cycle” of economic and public health disasters and argued that the novel coronavirus “may never go away,” CNBC reported.


The WHO official asserted that nations will have to adopt “a new normal” while awaiting progress on vaccines and related treatments for the novel coronavirus.


“We should not be waiting to see if opening of lockdowns has worked by counting the cases in the ICUs or counting the bodies in the morgue. That is not the way to know something has gone wrong,” he said. “The way to know the disease is coming back is to have community-based surveillance, to be testing and to know that the problem is coming back and then be able to adjust your public health measures accordingly.”


OK grandma got it, the sky is falling!

Anonymous ID: 09c88e May 14, 2020, 6:45 p.m. No.9178073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8120 >>8189 >>8273 >>8718

MSNBC’s Wallace: ‘Obamagate’ Is the ‘Political Version of the Tooth Fairy’


Thursday on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” host Nicolle Wallace dismissed President Donald Trump’s claims about the “Obamagate” scandal, calling them the political equivalent of the tooth fairy.


Wallace said, “I don’t mean to be sarcastic here. But does Donald Trump really think that in any corner of the country that he needs to swing his way again that Obama is less popular or viewed as less competent or anyone thinks that this would have gone down worse on Obama’s watch than his?”


New York Times reporter Peter Baker said, “Yeah, I understand the question. Look, part of this, of course, is who you’re targeting your messaging to. Part of this ‘Obamagate’ and the Obama message is aimed at the core supporters that he wants to keep on his side, that he cannot get to 271 electoral votes unless he starts off with the core voters that he brought to the table. He needs to give them something to focus on other than how he has handled this pandemic because polls show that even a lot of his own supporters have had questions about that, don’t trust the information he’s giving them, have not been happy about some of the delays and other things that have been documented by our colleagues. I think that, therefore, you start with that base and then reaching out to the people in the middle has never really been his top priority. He’s trying to reproduce the inside strength that he had three and a half years ago, and that’s always been a tough sell for a president who’s never been over 50% in the approval ratings in Gallup and some of these main polls, and it’s always been a tough challenge, and now it’s tougher given what’s happened these last few weeks.”


Wallace said, “Ron Klain, I know you’re here for your expertise in public health, but I’ve got to ask you this. I hear ‘Obamagate’ and I hear, ‘I’m bleeped with my base,’ because there is no ‘Obamagate.’ It’s the political version of the Tooth Fairy. It’s fantasies and fairy tales, and it means nothing. It’s like invoking Santa or something totally made up. So to me, when I hear him use that term, Obamagate, that is groping for the hardcore supporter, which to me screams of real political peril. If he was in any safer political standing, he wouldn’t still be sucking up to the hardcore base.”


The former Obama White House adviser said, “I think that’s spot on. There are two political observations to make here. That’s the first one, which is that we’re in mid-May of an election year and if the president is so panicked about his base that he’s making up scandals about his predecessor, that tells you that he’s in trouble because this is the time of the year when incumbent presidents are trying to round up support, not reinforce their base. The second thing is I think Peter’s analysis of this is right, which is the Trump White House looks at this COVID problem and thinks they have to either deny that it exists or attack someone for it. I worked for two incumbent presidents, got re-elected. You worked for one who got re-elected. The way they get re-elected is they do a good job. That’s why they win or lose. He can blame a long list of people for this. He can try to beat the CDC to lower the death count, but he can’t change the fact that he now has created a giant health mess and a giant economic mess. The second one, in particular, Nicolle, that economic mess, that is Trump’s strength politically, is people believe he can deliver on the economy. He’s now facing a huge economic crisis. This really goes to competence, and incumbent presidents can’t do a horrible job and get re-elected. That’s what he’s facing.”


Wallace concluded, “Incumbent presidents running for president, it is always, always a referendum on you. So knock yourself out with the fantasies, Mr. President. This will be all about you.”

Anonymous ID: 09c88e May 14, 2020, 6:46 p.m. No.9178088   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Samantha Power Denied Unmasking Individuals in 2016: ‘It’s False’


Then-U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power denied unmasking people in 2016, but recently released documents show that she unmasked former Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn at least five times that year.


In October 2019, journalist Nicholas Ballasy asked Power after an event she was speaking at why she decided to unmask “so many individuals” in 2016.


She responded, “It’s false…completely false.”


She then began ignoring his questions, even as he walked down a hallway following her.


However, Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell recently unclassified names of former Obama officials who requested the unmasking of the name of a U.S. person in an intelligence document that revealed Flynn’s name.


Power requested unmaskings five times in 2016 and one time in 2017 just before the Obama administration left office.


The names were released as Republicans continue to investigate who illegally leaked Flynn’s name and his conversation with then-Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergei Kislyak to the Washington Post.


Unmasking refers to requesting the identity of a U.S. person swept up in surveillance of foreign targets. For instance, if Flynn had a conversation with a foreign official whose conversations were being surveilled, he would show up in an intelligence report as “U.S. person.”


Certain authorized national security officials could then request to know who the “U.S. person” was. The intelligence report is still classified and not to be shared.


After Flynn, as incoming national security advisor, spoke with Kislyak on December 29, 2016, that call was illegally leaked to the Post and led to Flynn’s resignation.

Anonymous ID: 09c88e May 14, 2020, 6:48 p.m. No.9178103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8136 >>8159 >>8175 >>8179 >>8379 >>8402 >>8510 >>8637 >>8667

Amb. Marie Yovanovitch Knew More About Burisma than She Admitted to Impeachment Inquiry


Newly-released State Department documents suggest that former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch knew more about Burisma, the corrupt company tied to Hunter Biden, than she told the House impeachment inquiry last year.


In November 2019, Yovanovitch testified in a public hearing before the House Intelligence Committee that she first learned about Burisma when she was being briefed for her confirmation hearings in 2016, and that the company was “not a focus” when she arrived at post.


In October, in her closed-door deposition, Yovanovitch told the committee — under oath — that she did not recall being briefed by embassy staff about Burisma, and that much of what she had learned came from “press reports.”


But investigative reporter John Solomon reported Wednesday that Yovanovitch had discussed the company with staff:


[N]ewly unearthed State Department memos obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show Yovanovitch’s embassy in Kiev, including the ambassador herself, was engaged in several discussions and meetings about Burisma as the gas firm scrambled during the 2016 election and transition to settle a long-running corruption investigation and polish its image before President Trump took office.


Yovanovitch, for instance, was specifically warned in an email by her top deputy in September 2016 — three years before her testimony — that Burisma had hired an American firm with deep Democratic connections called Blue Star Strategies to “rehabilitate the reputation” of the Ukrainian gas firm and that it had placed “Hunter Biden on its board,” the memos show.


She also met directly with a representative for Burisma in her embassy office, less than 45 days before Trump took office, a contact she did not mention during her impeachment deposition.


The discussions about Burisma inside Yovanovitch’s embassy were so extensive, in fact, that they filled more than 160 pages of emails, memos and correspondence in fall 2016 alone, according to the State Department records obtained under FOIA by the conservative group Citizens United.


Read Solomon’s full report here.


Following that report, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, wrote to the State Department requesting it provide all documents from the Obama administration relating to Bursima, without redactions.


Yovanovitch was portrayed sympathetically by Democrats during the impeachment inquiry and trial as a victim of President Donald Trump and his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, who they claimed smeared her.

Anonymous ID: 09c88e May 14, 2020, 6:54 p.m. No.9178210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8237 >>8276 >>8306

Deep State Made Unmasking Requests on Trump Family Members the Morning of President Trump’s Inauguration!


As the details surrounding the Spygate scandal continue to be revealed it is clear that former President Obama was involved in the biggest political scandal in the history of America.


If former CIA Director John Brennan is outed as the quarterback of the dossier scandal, then by association, so is his boss, former President Obama.


In February 2019 The Gateway Pundit reported that Nellie Ohr, a communist sympathizer and wife of former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, was investigating the Trump children during the election while she was feeding Democrat propaganda to the FBI and deep state.


Nellie Ohr was also working for Christopher Steele to write the garbage Steele dossier.


A source familiar with the closed-door testimony confirmed to FOX News that Nellie Ohr told House investigators that she was tasked with doing opposition research during the 2016 campaign on Melania Trump as well as the president’s children.


But Nellie Ohr was not the only one targeting the Trump children.


Trey Gowdy revealed on Thursday the Obama administration was spying on the Trump children.


Conservative Treehouse today reported on the unmasking of Trump family members on Inauguration Day back in 2017.


The Obama Deep State operatives were still working to find evidence of wrongdoing by the Trump Campaign, the Trump Transition Team and the Trump family even on Inauguration Day.

They never found ANYTHING!


Trey Gowdy: It’s not just Michael Flynn. There was an unmasking request made the morning of the Inauguration, the morning of the Inauguration! President Trump’s family members’ names were unmasked. So that needs to be reformed. But you also have a real nice witness list to start investigating the leak of classified information. And I’d be curious how many people on this unmasking list have been interviewed by the FBI.

Anonymous ID: 09c88e May 14, 2020, 6:59 p.m. No.9178280   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The reason the cabal will fight to the death is they know they are going to hell if they lose.


Their only hope is transhumanism where they can evade death by uploading their consciousness and live in transhuman vessels.


This is why they hate God as they know what is coming.

This is why they hate us as the more of us the more likely they will get busted and face justice.

This is why they will not stop until we catch them all.

This is why they need to inject us all with their nano tech so they can control us so we don't bust them and complain while they exterminate us.