Anonymous ID: 1e1f56 May 14, 2020, 7:13 p.m. No.9178466   🗄️.is 🔗kun


but but i'm from #Wuhan

mask on, mask off, mask on, mask off

msm be like 'you don't need a mask'

i be like 'it's a free Country'

dem leaders be like 'nope'

maria b stepping all over her dick, kek

they want us locked up

do the math re corona

86,912 /329,000,000+ = 2.641702127659574e-4

329,000,000 / 86,912 = 3785.438144329897

1 died for every 3756 so far?

How many of the 86k were over age of _?

Does the math say shut down everything?

Anonymous ID: 1e1f56 May 14, 2020, 7:34 p.m. No.9178709   🗄️.is 🔗kun

imagine you got to interview POTUS like maria

what would you ask?

would you let POTUS talk or cut him off when he goes too deep?

imagine your interview, watch maria interview; same or dif?

how long has maria been msm?

i don't trust any1 over 10 years in the game because they saw it all happen and didn't tell any of us.

If they did and i didn't hear, sorry i was asleep.

Now i say remove/replace them all to be safe.

Then watch the replacements closley; learn 'impeach'.

Impeach nancy, schumer, schiff, etc, sooner the better.

Congrats CA25!

Goes to show it can be done; ask your Frens/Fam this favor.

efforts = results

Thank you Anons.