Anonymous ID: bfa55c May 14, 2020, 7:47 p.m. No.9178863   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8936

-POTUS Tweet- CNN Clapper “Lost Shot”


Ex tv/radio fag. Left the dishonest and disgusting business after 2102. Don’t know how to sauce correctly, but they didn’t “loose the shot” in the clapper interview. The shot FADED to black. Which means it wasn’t some kind of transmission error, whether by Satellite or internet.


Somebody in the control room at the tv station, sat truck, or cameraman in the field grabbed the fader bar and went to black. I left the biz 6 years after we got off beta, so I’m out of the loop as to how things may have changed. I might be missing a location where the decision was made to cut it. Whether it was the director, or the guy at the uplink, somebody made that call. It’s also way above the pay grade for the person pushing the buttons to make “that” call. No way in hell did that guy making between 25k-80-100k? Make the call to “dump it”.