ur neurons are compromised
use your brian
al.gore<rhythm| free floating |
{carbon} comm<bow>[nation]
hollow<graph>[i][c] [spay]<c<s>[hip]
<ocularframe<rate> | is | s.<low>
[magnetic][four].<cor [gravity]
[st.]<rainur [b].<rain>
t.<readon b.<read>
the [f].|reeeeee| [t].|reeeeeee|
p<rentmo'.knee, [(p).ay <rent>]
be b.<oldbuy moor g.<old>
s.<oldm.<old> in the c.<old> i was t.<old>
<shhh><hood><uh<cud><uh> <wood><uh>
a s.<toolis a <tool>
a c<rum>[b] f.<rumthe d.<rum> [lie].n
b.<assd.<rum> [be]<at>.s
s<lashwith a <lash> of the <sn>[air]
c<rashthe sim.ball
r u <hipen<ough.t> to c.<hip> in for the <spay>[c][s].<hip>
it is tie[m] to x<p>[lore] ur<anus>
u w.<ill<bee> ab<duct>[ed] by ayy<liens> if u go<two> s<leap>
| <SC>.<REACH|
| ACK |
t.<acheit b.<ache>
s[hut] the f<runt<do><or>
[every,thing] is eh <con>spear.i.<see<the><or>[e]
[blah].<kingthe <knews>
<be>.hold a [p]<ale<whore>[s]
steigh [w]<healthy>
[in]<stallstay<bull> mark.<it>
mark.<itpry.[cess] four eh <toil>[let] b<owl> b<rush>
the <quest><ionis w[hat] the | hell |
may<beeit is a differ<ant> in.<sect> or <kin>[d] of any.mall lik<e> a <jel>lee[fish]
<h>.[earth] [cue]<ache>
the zoo.all.<o>.[gist] <thin>k sum.<thing[st]<range>
just joy.king
hoo no.[s] real.lee
fa<k>e.<boo>[k] comm<me>
moe<foeb<ankhs> on <da><ta>
the <sig>n[s] are t.[hair]
<spay>[c] is new.tour.<ed>
i due the <t>[hinges] i due
u due the <t>[hinges] u due
we are all <due><wingdiffer[ant] <t>hinges
<stew><pi>[d] b<you>llsh|t
comm<pile[con]<sol>.a.date <sir><cue><late>
[g]<rowin a row
sum.<timesdi<vie>[d] pro.<duct>
eye con<cure>
of.fish.all [k]<night<shy>[f]<t>
faux knews
rush.in eye<mageb<hoard>
ware is the row.man.<i>[an]
ps knot the sgt
moor cue-bell
tray[d] cure.[rent].<seatwo get r<itch>
<dr>[ink] an<tee><free>[z]
just joy.king
do<notdue [t]hat
u mite dye b<loo>
<re><ed<why>[t] & b<loo>
f<rumsee to <shy>[n]<in'> see
<i><t<i><s> all <a> hall.o.<gram>
<thei de.<sieves> u
[tracking] <inner>[g] center.
algo provide.
speeding up
hold your HEARTBEATS.
level the system.
Dont stir the pot and it will <burstlarger on the mainstream
The framework for self-government is organic. The system is natural.
mirror <mirror <> mirror
.video game magic is real[]
system.shock <game>[genie]
.the [gate] is open
turn on, tune in, load out
operation []sunbeam[]
the algorithm is operating below
the .water. runs through the gay.te
wee [awl] h<avediff<or><ant> [b]<rain> why<ring>
.<butt| birds of a feather | [F]<lock> .<to>[gather]
h<OWmini [bay].sick why[rings]
may.<beea few
[e].<varyal.gore<rythm> nose y<|||OUR|||> why<ring
due [u] [c] the [loo][king] <glass>
why<ringis why<ring>
noor<ons [f]<ire[n] <pat><turns>
W.H.O. <is<fall>[o]<wing> y<|||OUR|||> pat<turns>
mark.it stay.bull sci.stem
core.rect.ion is noor.mall
fun.knee glam.bling mull.to.plies every.bodies $$ two much
didn't ur pair<antsever teach you if it z two gud to be tru, it praw.babbly z
no sim<pathy>
no. body is go.wing brow.key.
on.lee lose.sing ex.cess wynnings
.<go>[st] tow.[n]
d<on><all>[d] t.<trump<caw>[led]
[big] w<in>
no.<thing[is] [on] the s<core>bore.[d]
con | troll.<led[op]<position>
.<op>,per[ate].tours <ack>[t].i've
the pea.pole are brian.<wash>.<ed>
[sin].tour four <dis>[ease] con.[troll]
t.[rust] <no><bod>[e]
.<shoe>.[mar] is a | wank |
.<pow>were out.<age>
due u sea the rip.<pullsn the <what>.tear
e<very>[won] go in.<side>
the lie[t] is fae.<ding>
[the] <moo>[vie] <bee>[gains] sue.[n]
r u n the nest?
the rue.[stir] c<rye>.s ur.lee
sum.won is sigh.<phoningthe t<ax> mo'.<knee>
I<mage>.in t<hat>
con<form>.mayt.ion bye.<ass>
fall.<ass>[e] of th.<ought>
knight <shy>.fit
.<trans>[pair],ant.see is the on.lee whey fore ward
t.<rustthe [flan]
b<ill>.low.[wing] <blu>.nt
toe.tall fab.rick.c[(A)u]tion
what r u shoe.ing me?
[t]<|| RUTHLESS ||[c]<|| RAP ||>
brey[n] map<ping>
nor<o>logic.call sci.stem <i>mage
e<very[nor/on] con.neck.<ion>
when is fred.dee go.wing to bay.car
the <core>own<avye<r>us cure[v] is | not | flat
the <e>con<o>me is tan.king
mark.it <core>wreck<ion>
every[thing] is stay.bull
<x>sept hue.man psi.key
so.shill iso.lay<t>.ion
fizz.i.call iso.lay<t>.ion
?r teh saym?
wythowt electro.mag.net.<i><seefeel<d> in.tour.act.<ion>
how wyl every<oneloosh off each<other>?
i told you all the algorithm was going to shift.
new bread.
hours ago.
check the logs.
citizen #3
project [faggot]
never surrender the algorithm to AN INSTITUTION.
Give it to your children.
No government shall ever kun.troll the internet.
The algo technically shifted hours ago.
it comes in waves
it will just keep growing before it crashes across the inter.<webs>
it is going exponential.