Anonymous ID: 819e43 April 6, 2018, 5:47 a.m. No.918304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8320

From 2017 - LOOP NEWS (BARBADOS news source)




A young Barack Obama questioned his place in the world and his racial identity, agonized over whether he'd make enough money as a community organizer, and lamented his incompatibility with his ex-girlfriend in 30 pages of letters he wrote to her that are now being archived by Emory University in Atlanta.


The nine full letters, sent by Obama to his college girlfriend, Alexandra McNear, are being made public to researchers through Emory University's Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives and Rare Book Library. The university has had the letters since 2014 but could only make them public now, officials said.


Written in the 1980s, the letters give a peek into Obama's psyche as he sought out the path that would eventually land him in the White House as the United States' first black president, Emory University officials said Wednesday.


"My ideas aren't as crystallized as they were while in school, but they have an immediacy and weight that may be more useful if and when I'm less observer and more participant," Obama wrote in 1984 to McNear, who was a student at a California college attended by Obama before he moved to Columbia.


The "very lyrical, very poetic" letters will be useful to researchers trying to craft a picture of Obama the college student and recent graduate, Emory officials said. Parts of the letters from Obama have already appeared in books about Obama over the last few years.


"They tell the journey of a young man who is seeking meaning and purpose in life and direction," said Rosemary Magee, the Rose Library director. Obama is "trying to find what his distinctive place would be both in that time and going forward."


The letters span 1982 to 1984. During that time, Obama was at Columbia University in New York City, in Indonesia, and finally working at Business International Corporation, "with everyone slapping my back," in a job for which he had no passion. Obama wrote for the newsletter Business International Money Report.


"Salaries in the community organizations are too low to survive on right now, so I hope to work in some more conventional capacity for a year, allowing me to store up enough nuts to pursue those interests next," Obama wrote in 1983.


The future president's letters were penned in a combination of careful cursive and "Dear Alex" in print. He wrote them on stationery as well as ripped-out yellow and white, college-ruled notebook paper. At least one was sent in Business International Money Report envelopes with the business's address crossed out and "Barack Obama" written above it.


Emory University professor Andra Gillispie, director of Emory's James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference, is using the letters in an upcoming book about Obama. She said the letters are not overly romantic as they span the end of the pair's relationship.


"I think of you often, though I stay confused about my feelings," Obama wrote to McNear in 1983. "It seems we will ever want what we cannot have; that's what binds us; that's what keeps us apart."


But the letters aren't all angst, Gillispie said. Obama — "clearly a person of the mind," she said, — once ripped out a New York Times book review of Rachel M. Brownstein's book, "Becoming a Heroine" and sent it McNear, something that amused the professor.


"This is part of his courtship strategy. Okay … Who rips out book reviews to send to their girlfriend?" Gillispie laughed. "I think it is a sign of his proto-feminism but it is -more of a 'Wow, this is really cerebral relationship' but I personally like the idea of a cerebral relationship. I'm a nerd too, so the nerd in me was like, 'That was real cool.'"

Anonymous ID: 819e43 April 6, 2018, 6:13 a.m. No.918454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8474 >>8476 >>8574 >>8645

But Obama had met many Aussies while living in Indonesia as a young boy with his mother and stepfather, and it turned out he and Cook — the daughter of a prominent diplomat — had lived in the country at the same time.


As the night wore on, they sat close together on an orange beanbag in the hall while Cook swigged Baileys Irish Cream straight from the bottle.


They were amazed at how much they had in common: both were children of divorced parents, both had lived all over the world and had never felt truly at home anywhere.


They exchanged phone numbers and the self-assured Obama didn’t waste time. Within days, he was cooking her dinner at his apartment.


‘Then we went and talked in his bedroom,’ Cook recalled. ‘And then I spent the night with him.


‘It all felt very inevitable.’


The U.S. president and his First Lady sometimes seem so well-suited to each other that it’s hard to imagine there ever having been any woman in his life other than the formidable Michelle, whom he met while working for a Chicago law firm in 1989.


Obama has reinforced this notion by making only fleeting


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Anonymous ID: 819e43 April 6, 2018, 6:43 a.m. No.918645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8674 >>8679


> Cook




Genevieve Cook Weds Accountant



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At the Cosmopolitan Club in New York, Genevieve Hogan Cook, a daughter of Mrs. Philip C. Jessup Jr. of Washington and Michael J. Cook of Canberra, Australia, was married yesterday to Mohamed Moustafa, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Mahmoud H. Moustafa of Alexandria, Egypt. Judge Richard M. Palmer of Family Court in Manhattan officated.


The bride's sister, Francesca Munro Cook, was the maid of honor, and their brother, Alexander Ibbitson Cook, was the best man.


The bride, who will be known as Mrs. Moustafa-Cook, graduated from the Emma Willard School and Swarthmore College, and received a master's degree in education from the Bank Street College of Education. Her mother, Helen Ibbitson Jessup, is an architectural historian and a specialist in Indonesian art. Her father, a former Australian Ambassador to Vietnam, is the director of the Office of National Assessments, a Government agency in Canberra. Her stepfather, a former corporate secretary and general counsel of the International Nickel Company in New York and Toronto, is the secretary and general counsel of the National Gallery of Art in Washington.


The bride is a step-granddaughter of the late Philip C. Jessup, an authority on international law who was a United States Ambassador at Large and a member of the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The bride is a granddaughter of Mrs. Jack B. Ibbitson of Melbourne, Australia, and the late Mr. Ibbitson, who was a banker in Melbourne.


The bridegroom, an accountant in New York, attended the University of Alexandria. His father, who is retired, was the headmaster of a boys' school in Alexandria.

Anonymous ID: 819e43 April 6, 2018, 6:49 a.m. No.918679   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8690 >>8691 >>8695


>The bride is a step-granddaughter of the late Philip C. Jessup, an authority on international law who was a United States Ambassador at Large and a member of the International Court of Justice in The Hague.


Jessup became a primary target of Senator Joseph McCarthy, who charged in the 1950 Tydings Committee hearings that Jessup was a security risk who had "an unusual affinity… for Communist causes." McCarthy wasn't allowed by the Tydings Committee to outline his case regarding Jessup but the committee did allow Jessup to fly in from Pakistan and give his defense. Jessup was subsequently cleared of all charges by the Loyalty Board of the State Department and the Tydings Committee, and McCarthy was rebuked by many fellow senators and other statesmen. However, in two speeches on the floor of the Senate, McCarthy gave his evidence regarding Jessup's "unusual affinity for Communist causes":

That Jessup had been affiliated with five Communist front groups

That Jessup had been a leading light in the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) at a time that organization was reflecting the Communist Party line

And that he had "pioneered the smear campaign against Nationalist China and Chiang Kai-shek" and propagated the "myth of the 'democratic Chinese Communist'" through the IPR magazine, Far Eastern Survey, over which he had "absolute control"

That Jessup had associated with known Communists in the IPR

That the IPR's American Council under Jessup's guidance had received more than $7,000 of Communist funds from Frederick Vanderbilt Field

That Jessup had "expressed vigorous opposition" to attempts to investigate Communist penetration of the IPR

That Jessup had urged that United States atom bomb production be brought to a halt in 1946, and that essential atomic ingredients be "dumped into the ocean"

That Jessup had appeared as a character witness for Alger Hiss, and that later, after Alger Hiss's conviction, Jessup had found "no reason whatever to change his opinion about Hiss's veracity, loyalty and integrity"


McCarthy's allegations severely damaged Jessup's reputation and career .


Nonetheless, President Harry S. Truman appointed Jessup as United States delegate to the United Nations in 1951. However, when the appointment came before the Senate it was not approved, largely because of McCarthy's influence. Truman circumvented the Senate by assigning Jessup to the United Nations on an "interim appointment."