>into Google Youtubes offices in San Bruno Cal with an AR-15
9mm pistol
>into Google Youtubes offices in San Bruno Cal with an AR-15
9mm pistol
"What's a leppo?"
>is this lady telling the truth?
She say that there are extra viruses growing in the vaccine-virus cultures that are making their way into flu shots. This is the most obvious quality control problem there could be. It's like a beer brewer not noticing that bad bacteria is growing in their fermentation tanks. It is not unknown to them that other nasties can grow it they get into the batch. So to believe her you need to believe that either the vaccine makers' quality control staff is that grossly incompetent, or that they are in on a conspiracy to let canine viruses into the vaccine supply, AND that no third-party bothered to take samples from the distribution system and test them for any RNA that doesn't belong, or that they are also all in on the conspiracy.
I don't believe that.
It's also worth mentioning that this is exactly the same fuckup she made with her XMRV "discovery", and that her refusal to accept it is what ruined her former career.
I think the main issue with vaccines is simply that they hit kids' immune systems with too much too hard. If they just spread them out a little there wouldn't be any issues.