A pleb trying to sound important.
>how do you feel about an ancient bloodline death cult that grows human-like beings in underground military bases and feeds on the blood of children?
Very angry.
pizzagate wasn't a theory it was an ongoing investigation.
Thank you for the recommendation, I am familiar with his presentations.
I'm no wet stone.
Thank you.
I love it how the bank went up to Trump and said "you have a problem." to which he replied "wrong, you have a problem" and with that broke the bank. Exposing the whole fucking scam being run out of Wall street.
Why are the pools closed?
So if I get corona I just jump in the pool and have a wash?
That can be a bit of a strain sometimes.
That's in the U.N Headquarters aye?
One word and four numbers mate.
It has happened! I took the first relaxing shit the other week in probably the last 10 years.
Filter yourself for mentioning that which you said you are filtering anyone for mentioning.
Do they have to bring their own lube?
I'm stealing this for a meme I'm making.