I tend to think this is one of those things "conservatives" can't really be seen as supporting, but that the plan actually wants. Many things fall under this classification, including certain aspects of something as wacky as the Green New Deal. Remember, there is no debt. $20T overspent is probably $120T overspent with black ops budgets. You don't have the level of inflation we've had over 100 years if you're not printing Monopoly money 24/7. Given what many of us have paid to the Crown of England, etc over the years in prop taxes, IRS, etc, I don't give a rat's ass about $1,200/mo short term funneled back into American's pockets when a PHONY-ASS plague has destroyed millions of jobs/small businesses. When I start rethinking a future based upon a lot of freakin' robotics, self-driving cars, etc (some of which scare the crap outta me) the more I start thinking some sort of bare-minimum sustenance level of "universal income" would be freakin' REQUIRED for just a level of bare survival. And I GET IT…I am/was as fiscally conservative as it gets, and loathed the idea of these "shots in the arm", but I've rethought A LOT over the last 1-2 years.