Anonymous ID: 329e85 May 15, 2020, 8:34 a.m. No.9184305   🗄️.is 🔗kun

HRC tells Biden's sexual assault victims to GET OVER IT


You know, I do understand that if you are married to a sexual predator, whose sexual crimes date as far back as the 1970s in Arkansas, that really is your only choice to “Get Over It”, However, I’m not convinced that is the best choice for young ladies today.


Biden’s perverted behavior is highly abnormal and if possible, seems to be getting worse. He doesn’t seem to understand that fondling and inappropriately touching women and children is unacceptable. Also, the weird sniffing obsession is truly disturbing.

This guy has hundreds if not thousands of documented proof of pictures of his sexual perversion inappropriately touch woman and children and America is just supposed to “GET OVER IT”? How about throw the pervert in jail and get him some professional help and SPARE the trauma to his victims.

Anonymous ID: 329e85 May 15, 2020, 8:35 a.m. No.9184326   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==Flashback: Joe Biden's drops out of presidential race in 1988 amid multiple instances of plagiarism

and lying about his academic Record==


Given the long and documented history of Joe Biden's dishonesty, corruption, and flawed character, Ms. Reade definitely deserves

her day in court.


32 Years ago, Joe Biden dropped out of the 1988 Presidential race because he was CAUGHT lying about his academic record and multiple counts of plagiarism. Due to a LACK OF CHARACTER and propensity to Lie, Joe dropped out.


Has Joe redeemed himself over that’s 32 years? On the contrary, the depth of his corruption is only beginning to emerge. Both Obama and Biden are desperately trying to prevent their crimes in Ukraine from being exposed. Biden, abusing his office to enrich his family members in Ukraine and China, and no telling what is yet to be discovered. The evidence for Biden’s Ukraine quid pro quo is right in our face, we have the video of him bragging about it.


So, 32 years later, “here we go again”, Joe is running for President and those pesky lies just keep emerging.


In contrast, Gen Flynn has a STELLAR 33 year record of serving the U.S. military with honor and distinction—a War Hero!




Tara Reade DESERVES her day in Court!


If @JoeBiden BOLD FACE LIED about Flynn…. What about Tara Reade?!