Anonymous ID: 6ceedf May 15, 2020, 9:22 a.m. No.9185203   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q, you ask us to end the horror show, you ask us to stand.


I think that in the braiwashed reality we are at, we are doing our best.


From canada, doing my best here as a keyboard warrior and real life red pilling, but I don't see how by ourselves we will fight the weight of a global cabal to kill DJT re-election.


It's good that there are protests in the USA, not much going on here in Canada, but protests and the digital war will only go so far, we need real muscles behind the scene.


They are pushing hard on mandatory masks and vaccines, lots are drinking the cool-aid.


Taking control of the MSM is the only solution I could foresee that would save the world. That or a big fuck off of the american military that would take control of the Enemy Within and the global threats to our way of lives.