But there is more than one chess game going on
On another board we have…
The Black Emperor is Li Ka-shing
The Black Empress is Xi Jinping
We are dancing around the black pieces
Dragging them this way and that
But not striking
The black pawns (American politicians) are slowly being boxed in
When the Black Emperor moves his Empress to strike a deciding blow
The Empress will have to move from the Emperor's side
And this will leave the Emperor open to attack.
However, the Black Emperor knows this
He is not stupid like his American pawns
This game is still up in the air.
White's goal is to stay alive, stay strong, and soon
To gain in strength
As white's strength grows, the black pawns will begin to be captured
Opening the field for grander moves
This will be a very interesting game.
And after the Emperor is checkmated
The Empress will find new life
But for now, all the excitement will be on the other board
Where the Black Queen is boxed in
And after she is taken
It will not be long before bishops, knights and rooks fall
Exposing the Black King Hillary
To an inescapable checkmate
By means of a discovered attack.
Essentially, she will be convicted in other trials
So that when her trial comes, she either pleads guilty
Or faces a very quick trial based on evidence presented in other cases.