you're thinking in binary terms of credibility/exposure, it's not so simple. Q's not trying to win the hears & minds of the nation in a straight line, that should be painfully obvious.
Why choose such a roundabout way as the chans if they cared about PR in such a simplistic matter?
Anons build up their own hype from one possible reading of Q crumbs, and then get mad at Q when it doesn't turn out how they thought it did? Much better for all if they leave, indeed.
Similar to the endless wasted posts of Q worship when he posts, or the gorillion dumb questions/comments that have often been answered already, even by Q itself, repeatedly. That is one of many reasons why the dreaded chans were chosen, so there wouldn't be so much of that that it becomes unmanageable…
>The end won't be for everyone.
>That choice, to know, will be yours.