Use your money to spread your voice. Make some Q stickers or something. Don't support these faggots. They make merchandise out if gullible anons. No one should make this movement their profession, imho.
Use your money to spread your voice. Make some Q stickers or something. Don't support these faggots. They make merchandise out if gullible anons. No one should make this movement their profession, imho.
A buck or two!!!? Some of these faggots are pulling down CEO type money, anon. They are a disease.
Yeah. Unti just recently I was workfagging 10-12 hrs a day/6 days a week, spending 8 hours a day on th GA, trying to maintain a relationship and maybe knocking out 4 hours of sleep on a good night. When I hear these faggots bitch about keeping a roof over their heads, I turn steaming red.