I love my Water Sour Green Queen, don't you?
Water in Greek = Hydro
Sour in Greek = Oxy
Green in Greek = Chloro
Queen in chan lingo = Quine (cuz wee spel funy!)
I love my Water Sour Green Queen, don't you?
Water in Greek = Hydro
Sour in Greek = Oxy
Green in Greek = Chloro
Queen in chan lingo = Quine (cuz wee spel funy!)
That is not all by FAR
There is FAR more at work here than meets the eye
The vaccine industry will be FAR different when this is over
We have come very FAR from where we were before.
We'll never return to normal but to a FAR better place.
This is the truth that I am telling you.
— the Water Sour Green Queen
>The Army is overseeing Warp Speed.
o o - o o - o — o
>Design from start to finish.
o o - o o - o — o
>The entire process is safeguarded by Americas Military.
Do I detect a message between the lines?
Is the Federal government acquiring the vaccines?
Are the Feds also acquiring the service of vaccine creation?
What about Niemann Marcus?
Didn't they just fold too?
Big retail on the out
Small business on the UP!
I see…
The Autists have all left for the weekend
Oh dear
You will have no Qlues to dig.
Who will Que your work when the Autists are gone
Вам надо русских друзей
Которие знают точно
Кто здесь главный
Федеральное Регулирование Закупок
C'est vrai mes amis
Ils sont les experts dans ce domaine
Ils on la loi avec eux
L'immunité ne vaut plus rien
Amigas y amigos
¿Quien es el General?
¿Donde ha trabajado?
¿Cuales son las leyes con que el trabajaba y trabajara?
Hal ini lebih mudah daripada yang Anda pikirkan dan Anda tidak perlu Obama untuk menjelaskannya!
I've even started posting CAREFULLY WORDED messages on my Facebook where many brainwashed acquaintances from my past lives can see them.
So far, no screams of rejection.
But then, i do really mean CAREFULLY WORDED trying to stick to introducing new ideas in the form of aQUESTION.
The Socratic method rules in this context.