Covid-19, President Trump and his limo, Rh factor
Are you thinking the same thing I am thinking?
I found this study yesterday that confirms what I suspected all along regarding my mother healths? At least it helps explain why I believe all doctors are incompetent. Are they incompetent or do they simply follow the protocols derived from evidence based Medicare medicine for 85% of the population? What about the other 15% and why do all the bad diseases mostly affect the Rh- homozygote ?
There are 3 types of RH factors and a human falls under one.
Rh+ Rh+ - Rh+ homozygote
Rh+ Rh- - Rh+ heterozygote
Rh- Rh- → Rh- homozygote
'''Heterozygote Advantage Probably Maintains Rhesus Factor Blood Group Polymorphism: Ecological Regression Study '''
'''Trump's new limo cost $1.5M, comes with fridge full of his blood type: report'''
The Red Cross's obvious "suppression" of the Rh factor under "What is A Universal Blood Donor?" and the wrong conclusion the Red Cross is promoting… Did you catch it?
Experts warn against accepting link between blood type and coronavirus risk
I will buy into the warning and accept the "weak" link between blood type and coronavirus risk. But that's not what I am trying to find an answer to. How come I can't find an article on whether the Rh factor might be a link? Because I can find plenty on ABO with no mention of the Rh factor.
A few thoughts:
According to the study above?
"However, the RhD minus allele (the deletion) has probably spread from one geographic location in western Europe also relatively recently, definitively after the colonization of Europe by modern Homo sapiens sapiens. "
Is Trump getting revenge for the rh-negative infliction of Toxoplasma?
"The results confirmed the existence of a negative association of latent toxoplasmosis with the performance of students, especially Rh-negative men, in these tests. Surprisingly, but in an accordance with some already published data, Toxoplasma-infected, Rh-positive subjects expressed a higher, rather than lower, performance in our endurance tests."
Why COVID-19 is Hitting Men Harder Than Women