Anonymous ID: 27bd20 April 6, 2018, 9:16 a.m. No.919801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9853


Think about SILENCE.

Cultivate it first with, then extend outword.



What does that really mean?

Why does Q ask us to pray?

Who are we, that our prayers matter so?

Why does Q say this board was chosen?

Who did POTUS acknowledge/celebrate recently?

For whom did POTUS endure ridicule in order to honor?

What specific group of no name, special people?

What is the LOGOS (John 1:1-4).

What does the CHRIST declare himself to be?

What is the significance of LIGHT, TRUTH, WAY, LAW, ALPHA/OMEGA?

Are these things ONE and the same?


Can these be said to be the SINGULAR pattern governing reality?

And in whom does this ONE THING manifest?

In CHRIST only, or in 'every MAN who comes into this world'?



Why does Q refer to the 'Hive Mind'?

What are the limits of this 'Hive Mind'?

And is there a specific pattern or system of operation?


Do our personal victories/failures impact the 'Hive'?

What does POTUS having invoked our ONENESS really mean?

Do the patterns generated within our lives influence our peers?

Do our day-by-day, minute-by-minute victories/failures impact others?

And is there a specific pattern or system of operation?


Can we successfully PRAY for things we do not understand?

And can we truly understand that with which we have NO experience?

What do MEN learn from experience?

Does experience give MEN knowledge of patterns, tactics?

Do MEN gain KEYS & MAPS for avoiding failure, ensuring victory?

In the context of 'Hive Mind', what does it truly mean to PRAY?



Why does Q say to 'FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT'?

Do {{our enemies}} have patterns, strategies & tactics, same shit all day every day?

Are the tactics used to stymie & deny POTUS,

The same used to stymie & deny }}US{{ at school, work, in life?

Again–why does Q say to 'FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT',

And why does Q say to PRAY?

In the 'Hive Mind' context, what does this combo accomplish?


Observe the ways in which {{the Enemy}} obstructs & attacks,

Understand these within the context of strategies used vs POTUS,

Engage your day-to-day enemies strategically, as taught here;

Employ patience, misdirection, networked assaults and so on;

Encourage others to do the same,