Anonymous ID: 318daf April 6, 2018, 9:34 a.m. No.920042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0086 >>0092





(In October 1995), a column in the State University of New York at Buffalo’s student newspaper The Spectrum called for violence to be directed against pro-lifers on campus. “Rant for choice” by Michelle Goldberg exhorted students to “do your part and spit at (pro-lifers). Kick them in the head.” Goldberg also observed that, “Just once, I’d like to see someone blow up one of their churches.” The next day, vandals destroyed parts of a display of 4,400 crosses set up by the campus Students for Life group.


Attempts to have condemned Goldberg’s column were met with indifference by the university’s administration, which noted that her sentiments were protected by the principles of freedom of speech. “I walk in fear of a nameless, faceless enemy spurred on by calls to violence printed in The Spectrum,” responded Laurel Graham, an adviser for Students for Life.