Anonymous ID: 3f8553 April 6, 2018, 9:55 a.m. No.920291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0324 >>0342

Q -


This is random, but I am obsessed with seeing around corners and would like to bring to your attention a potential attack vector that the Cabal might be about to use. I have a feeling you're already on top of this, but sending your way just in case.


It's obvious that the Cabal is attempting to activate crypto as a "Plan C" escape hatch, given statements by @Jack, Soros, and others. Crypto is my relative area of expertise and I have been involved in this space for a while. My best guess is that they are behind Bitcoin, which is ultimately designed to manifest hell on earth through runaway heat generation through mining incentivized by humanity's greed. Depending upon the particular crypto in question, and the consensus mechanism thereof, a few different things can be done to mitigate the efforts of the Cabal.


Bitcoin is the main one I'm worried about. If they do a big mainstream push, it could skyrocket, which could make it a very powerful threat very quickly. Primary areas that you all might be able to counter with include the use of quantum computers, dominant hashing power (both compute capacity and energy are advantages here), and potential zero days in the Bitcoin protocol.


Ethereum or other Proof of Stake chains might actually be harder. Lamport signatures et. al could neutralize a quantum advantage, and PoS means no hashing power or energy advantage. In this scenario, I believe you would need to rely upon convincing validators to hard fork the chain, if it came to that. As we have observed here, the majority of humanity is good once awake. The main concern would be waking up the right people in time. If you approach people in this capacity, I would recommend framing our current situation as "we have been under a long range bribing attack already". This is terminology that Vitalik and others like them will understand from a game theory perspective. Peter Thiel has an excellent network, and I'm sure given your position you could get to anyone you want.


Probably me being paranoid - I'm sure you guys already have playbooks developed and are on top of it, but just wanted to pop this on your radar as a potential threat of the Cabal, that you can begin preparing to defend against now before it is obvious. Time, as always, is an asset.

