cDT c=3 3DT
3DT Database in which the meta-data of a 3D Topicscape is held
3D Topicscape, a software application, is a Personal Information Manager that provides a template loosely based on mind-mapping or concept mapping. It presents the mind map as a 3D scene[1] where each node is a cone (or pyramid, or variation on such a shape). It can also display in a 2D format. Nodes are arranged in a way that indicates how they are related in much the same way as a mind map. In addition to its use for information management it is claimed to be suitable as a task manager, and for use in project management.
Narsaq - South of Greenland
"The South Greenland mine for uranium and rare-earth elements could be one of the biggest sources of such ores in the world."
"an open-pit mine for rare-earth minerals and uranium near town financed by a pair of Australian and Chinese mining companies"
http:// www.