Anonymous ID: ae5232 April 6, 2018, 10:07 a.m. No.920452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0480


FBIAnon said it long ago on half chan. Basically, the good majority of all three branches of the gov't are corrupt and have been compromised for quite awhile. This C&C has spread to statehouses on down along with the private sector which feeds off gov't contracts. State judiciaries as well. The entire Swamp is just much bigger and more evil than ever imagined.


Now take the Mockingbird MSM which has brainwashed and programmed the Country for decades, back to the JFK assassination and even before the advent of TV. Now add decades of public education where kids have been indoctrinated and dumbed down with Common Core "No Child Left Behind" along with the strident and self-serving teachers unions which have always leaned Democratic but have gone unhinged in the last decade or two.


So it has necessarily been an arduous and time consuming process to "red-pill" folks on social media and what little of the truth FOX spits out every now and again.


However, Trump was the right person at the right time to try sand turn this all around. His alpha-male personality, extraordinary courage, flinty determination, wealth of experience AND wealth itself, were all necessary components for this all to happen. Also, the disgruntled and discouraged Patriots, within the Gov't and retired, saw in DJT a possible Champion who they could support and assist in a last chance effort to Make American Itself Again.


By building upon one promise kept after another, POTUS has reached the magical tipping point of 51% approval of likely voters. This is critical as he will need public support when it's time to start.


However, the enormity of the task facing a judicial system riddled with the corrupt and compromised would be too much. Accordingly, POTUS and his Team have paved the way for prosecution pursuant to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) with the use of Military Tribunals. This has been done under the cover of a series of brilliant Executive Orders signed by POTUS over the last year.


We are now witnessing the fall of the Mockingbird MSM as well as the collapse of the largest social media platforms on the Internet. There is now a chance for the American People to hear the actual truth and to judge for themselves.


We should all consider ourselves to be lucky to be a part of this Second American Revolution. We are blessed. Godspeed, energy and protection to POTUS, Q Team and all other Patriots.

Anonymous ID: ae5232 April 6, 2018, 10:27 a.m. No.920706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0754


Thx anon. It was FBI anon who gave me the first ray of hope. I knew that there had to be a great deal of patriots in the IC MI rank and file who could not let stand what the Cabal had done and had planned. Hopefully, in fact I'm sure, we'll start to see a watershed of others coming forth!