Anonymous ID: f14421 April 6, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.920796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0807 >>0844 >>0876


>"The Catholic church was compromised from the beginning because the Bible never instituted the Papacy, a mediator other than Jesus between God and man, or veneration of Mary or praying to saints."


Since when do items with no sauce make "notables?" That statement is an Anon's opinion/interpretation of the Bible. Devout Catholics would say that their interpretation does point to the creation of the Papacy, praying to saints, etc. W/r to Catholics believing in things not explicitly stated in the Bible, they would also argue that non-Catholics do the same. So who's right? Both are opinions. Do the opposing opinions make it into notables as well?… This kind of stuff just harms the mission. Need to focus on undeniable proof - theology debates can happen after everything is exposed. This is not the place for it.


Rather, there's a more important point to consider. The redpill mission will suffer if ideas (with no verifiable evidence) are pushed as true (especially as a "notable"). Using this example, you have tons of faithful Catholics who voted for Trump precisely because they HAVE been awake for a long time. They're not blind to the evil that has penetrated their church and every aspect of their country. They have been trying to get their family & friends to understand this for quite some time. When an opinion is stated as fact, like the above "notable," it erodes the credibility of actual good info. Keep in mind, it takes many provable facts to win someone over but takes only one piece of garbage to turn them away. So in this particular case, you risk the chance of many Catholics, who were prepared to be allies in sharing the truth (including facts about their own church) not just questioning the legitimacy of Q team and its army of intel, but now wondering what's the real reason behind the movement. (I do understand that there are some imbued with such hatred that alienating Catholics aren't a concern, but my understanding of Q team's goal is to continually increase the numbers of those seeking & sharing the truth - so purposely excluding any group doesn't make sense to me.)


Yes, evil has infiltrated the Catholic Church as it has a lot of other organizations. I appreciate those Anons who have tried to diligently identify when/why/how such infiltration had occurred rather than making blanket statements. (And for those making broad sweeping statements please make sure your anti-Catholicism doesn't keep you from digging into those you hold in high esteem. e.g. percentage of sex abuse in other denominations - even other professions, like teachers - may be an eye opener.) Evil is everywhere. For that reason, every person (not just Catholics) will most likely be associated with a person or group that has been exposed when truth comes to light. If we want people to believe the evidence that will eventually be presented, we must be careful that the stuff we've been sharing up to that point builds a foundation for that trust.