Quick question anons.
There was a video on youtube by a guy who discovered on the WHO website after penetrating the layers of COVID-19 found all the graphics and charts associated with their plan.
would anyone remember or have the link to that video?
Are they going to return the 13k for in patient COVID cases and 39k out of the 272 for those they put on ventilators????
fuck Colorado, they're lying, the CDC NVSS made them tag COVID, even if they didn't have or died of COVID to amplify the count.
I wouldn't believe jack shit from ANY hospital much less the WHO and CDC, they're all compd', paid off by Gates and who knows who else.
What's absolutely disgusting is giving hospitals incentive for falsifying contractions and death by muh corona.
NO Coincidences!!!
Arrogant bastards are out in the open with their nefarious agenda!
just bad as the comic strip forecast, posted on ZeroHedge today: