>9199657>>9199701 >>9199734
>It is impossible for the House Democrats to have written the $3 trillion monstrosity of a 'bill', they haven't physically been in the House or any hall of congress.
>Who actually writes the House D's 'bills'?
>Who do they get paid by and who do they represent?
That is why they got rid of civics class in all high schools. It taught Americans how to run a free nation, how to do things like write bills.
Anons could write bills if we wanted to.
We do not know the process. But, all we need is a good lawyer, and a sponsor in the Senate, and one in the House.
In the case of Anons, the job would be much easier, because, technically, we want ot "unwrite" bills. SO you take the bill you hate, and you write up a bill to get rid of the law in question.
Then, we would have to out lobby the lobbies.
We did not have the power 15-17 years ago when there were only a few anons, all alone, doing research.
We do now, and we should consider unwriting legislation, like the legislation they put in to make sure we could not sue the pharmacy companies for their vaccine damage. That would be a good first bill by anons.