this woman always has the sauce, baby…and she waves it at you
no one looks at them…like the cashier does to your big bills, up in the light
yeah, and that too
"float" could be a plane instead of a boat…they both do it
sauces it ; doesn't use unconfirmed sources ; they hate her guts
birds seems to float magically on air ; have you ever seen a big blue heron take off? the wings are barely even moving and they seem to just float up
can we find common ground on "it" ?
they won't ever tell us…too scary for the normz …the 2-parter thing is frightening
china practically annexed WA, OR and CA through the tech sector ; they probably are in on the whole thing at the executive level. Is not OR governor a Jerry Brown relative? sister? WA gov is a proven nut and Nancy's nephew-in-law is just that
they had the Beetlejuice ghoul shut down LA county for the round up since a lot of "them" are there….and they are fighting back ??
YAY!! Now just pull the plug on your "cabal" TV subscription and don't go getting Netflicks either