Anonymous ID: 2635a0 Sept. 4, 2020, 5:33 a.m. No.10524802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4807



(Please read from the start)


“Contemporary issues


The inaccessibility of the Warao's lands makes access to health care difficult. Tuberculosis is common.


HIV was first detected in 2007 in the Waroa communities of the lower Orinoco Delta region of Venezuela. Sex between men is a common practice among young Warao, especially before they are married, and, is thought to be a major factor in the rapid spread of the disease. In some communities already 35% test positive for the HIV virus. With Venezuela's failing health care system, there is an absence of prevention programs; this, together, with severe language barriers — many Warao are illiterate and do not speak fluent Spanish — have allowed ignorance about the disease to flourish. The culture is felt to be severely threatened.


In the summer of 2008, indigenous leaders and researchers from the University of California, Berkeley issued a report detailing the deaths of 38 Warao in the Delta Amacuro state from a mysterious illness. The disease, which causes "partial paralysis, convulsions and an extreme fear of water"[5] is believed to be a form of rabies transmitted by bats. Upon reaching Caracas to inform the government of the outbreak and request assistance, the leaders and researchers "met with disrespect on every level, as if the deaths of indigenous people are not even worth anything.




>> Reading this gave me goose bumps anons. Why you may ask? Well, the Warao live in a remote area (more or less) so how such diseases managed to find their way to them? The supposed homosexual practices of the young doesn’t hold = because if we follow the Main Stream History narrative, it means the Warrao lived isolated (more or less) for many centuries this way, including their homosexual practices. But suddenly HIV was detected in 2007 NOT BEFORE and just one year after it = in 2008, a very strange and mysterious disease suddenly appeared out of nowhere and the report was issued by no other than: University of California, Berkeley. This has a BAD SMELL to it anons.


Now let’s hear the full story of that HUNTER Myth of the Warrao:


“In the beginning, there was not a single person on earth, only animals and plants. All the Warao’s ancestors lived somewhere in the skies, in the Kuimare, the sea above, where they never died.


It is said that the first grandfather of the Warao people was Auralá, and he was the chief of the people that lived above. Auralá had a good friend, Etoare, also known as “good arm,” because he was very talented with his bow and arrow.


One day when Etoare came to visit Auralá, young Etoare complained: Auralá, we are always having trouble around here. Lately, we don't even find any good food. There is no longer Morocoto fish, or lapa (a rodent that resembles a bunny) or moriche fruit (a fruit that comes from the Moriche palm). We can only eat yuca.


While both friends were talking and thinking about what they should do about that pressing situation, a bird perched itself on a nearby tree. At that moment Auralá said: Etoare look at that bird, use your good arm and hunt that bird. We might have something to eat tonight.


While both friends were talking and thinking about what they should do about that pressing situation, a bird perched itself on a nearby tree. At that moment Auralá said: Etoare look at that bird, use your good arm and hunt that bird. We might have something to eat tonight.


Etoare grabbed an arrow, placed it in the bow, aimed at its target, and then he shot the arrow, but he missed. The arrow landed in a conuco, the small cultivated field. Without giving up, Etoare pulled out another arrow, placed in it in the bow, and aimed again. But he missed his target; the bird flew away. Since Etoare did not have more arrows to shoot, he went to look for the missing arrows.”


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Anonymous ID: 2635a0 Sept. 4, 2020, 5:33 a.m. No.10524807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4841



(Please read from the start)


“When he found the second arrow, not too far away from where the first one had landed, Etoare tried to pull out the arrow from the ground. But as he did the arrow simply sank into the soil.


Again, Etoare tried to pull the arrow out. This time holding it with both hands, and placing both feet on the ground. And when he went to pull with all his strength, the arrow did not come out; on the contrary, it sank deeper into the ground.


Etoare ended up with both arms almost buried in the ground. Carefully he pulled out his arms, and was surprised to see that the hole that he had just dug out with his arrow, and arms was like a window, through which he could see another world – a world down below with trees animals and plants. It was a beautiful and plentiful Orinoco.


Curious about the discovery, Etoare went to ask his good friend Auralá for pita cord from his chinchorro, his hammock. So, he could make a rope. Etoare simply told his friend that he was going to retrieve the arrow that had fallen on the other side.


When he came back to the hole, Etoare realized that it had gotten bigger. So, he tied the rope around a big, and sturdy tree, and made several knots in the rope so he could rest his feet on the descent. Then he dropped the other end of the rope through the hole.


Next Etoare began to climb down the rope. At first, he contemplated a beautiful sky with birds that he knew, and others that he had never seen before.


Once his feet were on that new ground, Etoare realized that, on this side, there were plenty of morocotos fish, acures or hamsters, and even plenty of moriche fruit.


After walking around this new land, Etoare hunted some animals, and cooked them to take them back home so he could feed his people. Then he climbed up the rope towards the Kuimare, the sea above. Once he was back home, he told everyone who had gathered around the hole the good news about that wonderful discovery he had made.


  • Dear friends you all know that we are having a hard time here, that there is hardly any food to feed us, but I have found a new place with all kinds of food! We should go there! We should abandon this world!


Next Etoare began to hand out the food he had brought from that other place. Now that everybody had their bellies full, there were no doubts. So, they all agreed to wait until the next day to make the trip together. In the meantime, they were going to make some provisions for the trip by cutting some yuca.”


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Anonymous ID: 2635a0 Sept. 4, 2020, 5:37 a.m. No.10524841   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5477



(Please read from the start)


“The very next day the youngest, and strongest of all the men, and women began to climb down the rope carrying their chinchorros, their hammocks. They began to contemplate the beautiful blue skies, and the wonderful, and plentiful land that awaited down below.


Etoare was the first one to go down followed by young women, children, and healthy and strong men. The elders, and the weak or those who needed extra help stayed behind to climb down last. However, no one had thought about one detail. The hole was big enough for an average size adult but not for someone who had some extra pounds or was a pregnant lady. The truth is that most of the people were so thin because they hadn't eaten well for a long time. And even though the pregnant lady was quite slim, still she was huskier than the rest.


Carefully the pregnant lady tried to make her body fit, but only her legs could get through. Unfortunately, her big belly got stuck. Grandfather Auralá and all those who hadn't climbed down the rope tried to push her, and when that didn’t work, they tried to pull her out, but she was stuck like a cork. And that is why Auralá, and all the other elders could not go through the hole to that new world. They were stuck in the Kuimare, the sea above.


Those who had stayed behind began to complain, and lament their fate, and blamed the poor pregnant woman. Months later, when she gave birth, she and her baby became the constellation Ursa Major. While the other people that remained in the skies altogether became the planet Venus, however, some may say that it happened the other way.


They cried so much about their misfortune that they began to curse, that they became jebus, evil spirits. For example one became diarrhea, another one vomit and so on. One by one, each became a disease.


Those spirits were so angry for they hadn’t been able to go down like the rest of the Warao people, that they swore to make the life of those who did make it to the other side as miserable as possible.


The Waraos say that if everyone had been able to climb down the rope, today we would not have diseases or death. And that is why shamans known as wisidatu or piaches, are so important in the Warao culture because they are the only ones, who can put those resentful jebus or spirits in their place.


And even in the present day, the Jebus do what they can to remind us that we left them behind a long time ago. And that because of that they missed the opportunity of enjoying the generous earth that gives us fresh water, and fruit to quench our thirsts as well as edible plants, and trees such as the Moriches from which we can make hammocks.


So, I think that we should always be grateful that our ancestors made it to this side. Otherwise, you, and I would have turned into jebus, mean spirits.”


>> This myth from the Warao is absolutely amazing. In this tale there are clear indications of people living in a place up in the sky which means they descended from above and came from somewhere unknown, not mentioned in the myth. Orion is known as the HUNTER in the SKY. But there was a rift between the people which got them divided into 2 groups: those whom went down (the young) and those who got stuck up and couldn’t come down (the elderly). The latter group became spiteful and harbored bad feelings for being left behind and as a reminder they kinda pestered the first group with many bad things such as calamities and illnesses = becoming bad spirits. And before all of these events happened, everyone used to live a LONG time, like almost for eternity. Interesting, isn’t it?


All of this sound quite familiar doesn’t it anons? And the cause of this rift was a pregnant women whom kinda plugged the hole. Pregnancy reminds us of birth. It’s maybe farfetched for anons but it reminds me of the Dogon tales and the birth of the Jackal = the imperfect being (page 214), that kinda brought imbalance to the system = order of things.


With the Warao I would have ended the tribes in the Amazon forest. I know it’s not all of them, so if I missed something important, I hope anons will bring it to attention. I am going to move next to mountain regions in South America.


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