John Dee, the original 007, was court astronomer and advisor to Elizabeth I.
According to works by Michael Tsarion, Dee was able to make contact with what he called the Macrobes (like microbes, but big instead of small).
From Tsarion:
Michael Tsarion – John Dee and The Macrobes
Posted on December 21, 2017 by UponTheFaceOfTheWaters
From the lecture: The Earth Is in Quarantine. (Part 1 here)
Tsarion: Let me draw a picture for you about a specific time in England, in the 17th century at the time of the Tudor dynasty, a big agenda took place, and it had to do with a character named Sir John Dee. And he worked for the British government, and he was also the ambassador to the court of King James and Queen Elizabeth I, and when he wrote back to the queen, he wrote his signature “007.” because he was the head of MI5, British secret service comes at the end of the Tudor dynasty in the 15th century. Ian Flemming the author of James Bond was a member of the secret service, and when he retired he wrote about his organization. The movies also tell you amazing stories, if you know how to watch them.
Notice MI5’s logo, with the pyramid and the eye on top? Well John Dee was a great occultist, sacred geometrist, and court astrologist to Queen Elizabeth. And he was a Rosicrucian, which is why in every capital of the world you have the rose garden, it’s the Tudor rose.
John dee was the man around the time when they actually discovered, there is a barrier up there (the earth is in quarantine: there is a barrier around the planet). They had telescopes and some primitive flying ships. and they tried to leave the planet and couldn’t do it. These technocrats realized they have a serious problem here, no matter what we build, there is a blinkin’ star gate up there. so they were in turmoil, they were in a dilemma, imprisoned in this planet. Remember in the Bible it says “and God will chain the beast to the pit for a thousand years.” Satan being chained to a pit. they realized they couldn’t get out. So John Dee said we need another approach. And he contacted his patrons, the queen of england and her coterie, these original Illuminati types. and he said we need to go to another higher form of intelligence, not extra-terrestrial, but pan-dimensional. they may be able to help us with this. this wasnt the first time a portal would be opened on our earth and it wouldn’t be the last. John Dee contacted some beings that CS Lewis refers to as the Macrobes.
he said that under our level of perception we have the microbes., well CS lewis says there’s another level above us which is the same, we can’t see it with our physical instruments, the instrument of knowing that is the human intuition, or imagination. Well, John Dee being an occultist, a magician of very great power, opened a portal in england in the 15th century and contacted beings of a higher intelligence, these Macrobes. And macrobes don’t actually like being pestered by inferior beings such as himself. And we can’t say if they’re good or they’re bad, those terms don’t work with this sort. But as his mind is nearly frazzled with their interaction, they actually did say “oh whats your problem? oh yeah well we can fix that.” So he said, “Let’s do it.”
But the only trouble was that in order to do it, the information they had to pour through his consciousness, would take literally thousands of years to manifest in real-time. This work was called Enochian magick by the way. It was too big for his consciousness so he had to get all his counterparts in Europe to get on the ball with this, so all these black nobility families and Illuminati families were all working simultaneously at the same time, but obviously history would catch on to this, so they sold it back to us as the “renaissance” and everyone was into it, like a vogue thing. So they put it in this quaint way. The real story was that these scholars were working on this vast amount of knowledge pouring in day and night though the psychics of the world working for these royal families of the world, Cornelius Agrippa and these guys, writing it down.