Anonymous ID: 5dd63d Dec. 18, 2020, 5:28 a.m. No.12078035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8155



(Please read from the start)


>> Notice the wind anons.


7 – The guy films broken and damaged stairs. If you look closely, you will wonder where can someone stand when he gets to the top, right? There is no place to stand there. I think we should take a look at the fallen big blocks downstairs anons ^_^ this is a damaged site, something fell, and I won’t be surprised to find a rather big flat surface block with wear on it downstairs = place where the shamans would be standing to read the stars. It’s so obvious that this site has sustained damage and the initial structure has changed.


8 – The guy mentions a petroglyph in the vicinity of the portal and it’s obvious they are looking for it to film it. Then he walks this narrow passage with a lady wearing red filmed in front of him. Anons, take a good look at how smooth and flat that wall is on the right side of the guy. This is man made. This is not natural rock formation. The passage was cut out by hand. Then when he reaches the highest point we see a big view of “rock walls” that are parallel to one another. I’ve never seen anything like this in my entire life. I wish a geologist can give us information if these rocks are naturally formed or if there is human intervention. It’s like 2 perfect parallel lines made of rock. Since I know the Amaru muru rock has been re-shaped by humans and it also sustained damage that made some chunks of it fall, then, I think researchers should carefully = no rushing, be checking out those “strange” rock formations as well. I’ve attached a picture with this page for anons to make them undersand what I mean here. Anons, just check the width between each section: it’s almost the same from start to end in this picture, almost a perfect straight line, same width and parallel. In Heavens name, please don’t tell me this is the work of Mother Nature. As I’ve said before, I’ve never seen anything like this before being naturally made.


9 – Then the guy in the video makes a very interesting comment = the altitude = around 4000 m above sea level and this reminds me of the oxygen level in the area and how hard it must have been to simply walk. He then mentions a scene from Jurasic park or a martian senario; just freeze the picture on the big blocks proudly standing on his right hand side anons = we can see 4 of them on the screen. Yup, those are construction blocks….same as the big blocks we have in Tiwanaku, but these are highly damaged and even eroded. I’m only saying this about the 4 blocks we see on his right hand = look at their supporting edge, it’s almost a perfect line. And I want to draw attention to the camouflage technique used again here, to make it all blend with the natural stones.


10 – I like this guy from the video because he did a very logical thing and that is to talk with a local and ask him to show him some stuff and tell him the “old” stories. The local youth tells the story of his grandpa seeing the portal “shining sunlight” at 9 pm, during a full moon, then inside the portal he saw a golden city with a street, there was a shining light that caught his attention first though and made him turn around to see it. It only lasted for a few seconds, he had a small glimps and then poof, it was gone. The grandpa believes there is another dimension, some sort of connection. Some sort of portal or stargate, that can take people with pure hearts to the other side.


Do you believe in the story given by Socrates grandpa anons?


I do.


I believe the grandpa really saw what he said he saw. But I do NOT think he is accurate on how he interpreted what he saw. The testimony of the grandpa can be divided into 2 parts: 1 - the description or testimony of what he witnessed, saw – and 2 – his interpretation and understanding of what he saw. Let me explain before you jump into wrongful conclusion anons.


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Anonymous ID: 5dd63d Dec. 18, 2020, 5:43 a.m. No.12078155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8232



(Please read from the start)


First section of what grandpa witnessed is the story = events of what happened.


It starts on by him walking around 9 pm at night and it was a full moon. From what Socrates said, his grandpa was the same as back then as the young man is now, meaning 25 years old. So when can we estimate the grandpa saw this? It depends on the age of the grandpa of course, but if I’m going to estimate roughly, it should be something between 40 to 60 years ago. Again, this is just an estimation, it’s not accurate because the info is not provided: I’m just doing guess work about the age of the grandpa. Why is it important? Because this can tell me how things were during that time in the region and mostly what was his grandpa doing walking at that late hour in the middle of no where? Was he coming back from working in the fields? Was he returning with his Llama herd? Or was he a smuggler?


Another thing: the grandpa saw this portal and new about it decades before it was supposedly discovered if we compare this testimony with what is written in wikipedia page (p. 552). So a local experience such an incredible event and you think he doesn’t talk about it to anyone, mostly the local police or officials? Of course he did. At least he told that story to his family, relatives and neighbors. And I’m sure curiosity spiked in them all and they went to check it out. But anons gotta remember that this happened at least some 40 to 60 years ago, if the grandpa was 25 years old back then. So the portal was known to the locals decades before its big discovery in the 1990s (as written in wikipedia page). And if locals think there are some ancient magical ruins, you think they won’t come exploring the site hoping to find some treasures, mostly some gold? And remember what the grandpa said: he saw a city of gold = which will attract everyone including looters.


I’ve made this remark before in this thread that the public perception of an archaeological site and its treasures is usually that of gold coins and jewelry hidden somewhere on the site. They think that is the treasure that lies there and filled with greed, to get their hands on that gold, they usually damage the site and break off parts and pieces. Image you being a crime scene fingerprint expert and before you can get into the murder site, everyone comes in and out of the place, touching everything without gloves, displacing everything possible, even wiping some of the fingerprints by accident. What will happen to the fingerprint evidence you were hoping to collect from the murder site? Same scenario here: the smell of riches and gold attract looters and they come in trying to find the treasures….damaging the site and we loose sometimes precious tiny pieces of information and artifacts just like that.


Now I think the trick was all in the wall of the portal, the water and the drainage system. Remember anons, it was a night with a full moon, meaning the moon shined. Now next we’ve gotta take a look if there was any rain that night or if there was some type of moist/ humidity that night. Why? Well, let me try to explain:


If those drainage canals didn’t exist on both sides of the portal, then the water would pour down gushing like what you see in pictures 1 and 2, I’ve attached to this page. It would come down this way on all the surface of the portal, of course depending on how much water there is. But since the shape of the rock is curved and since we have the drainage canals on the sites, the water (either rain water of some other type) would be channeled to the sides and go down with the drainage you saw in the first video.


Everything depends on the pluviometry or should I say the level of rain precipitation. The circumference of the drainage canals on the sides indicate that a large quantity of water came down from there. But does it rain in the region? If yes how much? If it rains a lot or medium, then everything is explained by saying this is to redirect the water from the rain, and stop it from pouring down on the portal like what we see in the pictures 1 & 2. But if there is little to no rain, then it means that the shamans themselves used to pour big quantities of water from the top of the portal while performing their rituals. Why they might do that? = I think it’s to gather the 4 elements = earth, air, water and fire, while performing the ritual. I’m repeating myself = it all depends on the level of precipitation, if it rains a lot in the region or not and how frequently it does so.


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Anonymous ID: 5dd63d Dec. 18, 2020, 5:53 a.m. No.12078232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8271



(Please read from the start)


For me, right now, it doesn’t matter where the water came from = rain or ritually used. What interests me is how the surface of the portal rock looks like when it’s wet. See, when you have a lot of water coming down (either from rain or for ritual purposes) you have something around 90 % of the water going down in the drains, but there is a small quantity of water that slowly trickles down on the rock surface like what I’ve put in the first image I’ve attached to this page. As it trickles down, the surface of the stone will be looking like the second picture I’ve attached to this page – sorry it’s a small one. What does happen to a vertical surface when it’s covered like that with water? = it becomes mirror like. And since it was a full moon night, at 9 pm, we can calculate the angle and the trajectory of the moon and see if the silver moonlight hits the wet surface of the portal (like first picture from the previous page).


If you are traveling at a distance in the dark, even if you are carrying a flashlight, a gazlight or a torch, how does a wet surface portal struck by the moonlight will look like to you? Mostly if it’s from a distance, don’t forget that. It would shine a mirror or like light, right?


Now then the grandpa said that something shined and caught his attention. Then he saw a golden city with street etc. We did see about the possibility of something hanging or placed on that hole in the portal, right? So if whatever was there was made of gold, solid pure gold, and it had a carving…like representing a picture of a street and a city….maybe, even being a map of that city… it’s likely possible he saw an iconography of a street drawn with perspective, like the picture of the Champs Elysées avenue I’m attaching with this page – but with buildings on the sides, not trees, of course. In the back end, there is a posibility there might have been a high structure, like a temple represented on the golden surface hang on the portal.


And it’s highly possible that whatever was hang there, was circular in shape and the periphery was decorated to look like sun rays. This is why I said we need to check the friction and erosion = wear on that hole and around it, mostly to check the diamter if that disk truly exists or not.


And this is the odd part in the testimony: if a poor village man sees a disk made of gold hang on a wall in the middle of nowhere, what would his first reaction and thoughts be? = grab that gold and sell it, right? Gold equals money, right? His first thoughts would be = I’m rich. He said that the “vision” he had lasted for a few seconds….that’s how long the moonlight must have lasted on the golden disk, as he was walking…anons shouldn’t forget to calculate the inclination angle of the monnlight according to the month, and hour and season. He must have been walking close enough to be able to distinguish the details represented on the golden object, right? But for some reason, he didn’t have the curiosity or instinct to go check it out and mostly to grab the gold if it was hanging on the door. That is one heck of a curious behavior if you ask me.


That is when we reach the second part of the testimony: how the grandpa interpreted what he saw. He said that only people with pure hearts can get = teleported to that golden city. Pure of heart… where did I hear that one before? Oh yes! This is what I used to tell my own kids and now my grandkids….this is the type of language and sentence adults use when trying to explain what Heaven is to children. And this is where I think the grandpa’s testimony became mixed with his subjectivity and what he heard when he was a kid himself.


From the looks of it, the grandpa heard the stories from the adults about a “magical” door that only takes the good kids to a better golden place. It’s obvious the locals, at least some of them, knew about the existance of the portal way before its discovery was announced to the rest of the world in the 1990s. So it’s a possibility that the grandpa sneaked at night alone to try and find this legendary portal….and since it turned out to be a full moon night, he saw what he saw and remembered the folkloric stories or I rather call them the “modern urban legends” he was told while growing up. And in his mind, he truly thinks he saw what he said and he truly believes it, he is being truthful in his testimony.


Personally….this is how I exlain the grandfather story. Of course it needs to be verified, starting by checking out the level of precipitation in the region and WHEN = the year, month the grandpa saw what he saw.


I know I’m explaining this part in details for anons. I hope I can help the researcher interested in this site to crack the mystery and solve it. I saw a big lack of info about it, and since I can help, I went a bit in this tunnel.


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Anonymous ID: 5dd63d Dec. 18, 2020, 5:59 a.m. No.12078271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2888



(Please read from the start)


Before moving forward, I would like to ask anons to take a very good look at young Socrates when the takes off his hat. Notice the shape of his skull ^_^


11 - In the video, Socrates takes them to the “7” holes or 7 water mirrors and the narrator links them to the Pleiades constellation. I was also wondering anons if the layout of these 7 holes do match a constellation. Amazingly, in the video, after putting a compass there, on the rock, it matched the true north = alignment and axiality.


12 – Then young Socrates takes our narrator to what is believe to be the entrance of a chinkana (hope I spelled that one right). Then the narrator explains that the chinkana is an underground tunnel that connects to different places called Wakas = sacred places around different parts of the Andes. At first I was reminded of the Ayars brothers story and how they came out of the ground. But looking closely to the entrance of the chinkana, I remembered the fallen blocks that I mentioned before about this video. Look closely anons, this is a HUGE chunck = block of rock that has fallen. With erosion and soil displacement, the land level can easily rise and burry with rubble and debris the entrance of the chinkana. When you think about it, I don’t think we are dealing with tunnels here anons but rather ground level corridors. And this in turn made me remember the corridors of Chavin de Hunatar where the Lanzon is kept. That was a super sacred place, wasn’t it? Not for ALL to see. I’m basing this on my hunch, but I think we are dealing with something similar here.


And that’s not all. I also think this is a natural rock carved in by humans. If you look at the surface of everything we’ve seen so far, it’s smooth and it’s carved in a way to make it blend with the natural rock. What I have in mind is very close to the house caves we see in Cappadocia, where the narutal shape of the rock was left untouched (mostly) and the inside of it was carved to house people. I know it’s not exactly the same, but I’m thinking we might have the same concept here. But instead of them being housing units, I think Amaru muru rock was carved to have a religious function, as in some sort of temple.


13 – Next is the place where the Petroglyph is located: just look at how smooth and flat that rock surface is anons = man made. And of course the narrator goes onto calling it “the Alien Petroglyph” (face palm for the old man). I agree with him when he says there is a lot of wear on the petroglyph = it’s worn out and in badly preserved shape. And the biggest blunder the narrator made is giving the “supposed” shape of the petroglyph as being a humanoid with eyes, mouth and fingers (different numbers) on each hand. He does that ignoring the other concave shapes that I’ve pointed to in the second picture I’ve attached to this page.


He himself said earlier in the video that he passed the location where the petroglyph is carved and he didn’t notice it because of the sun angle. So here is proof to anons that his interpretation is wrong. I think he didn’t get the shape right and we might not be able to get it right at all because of how bad it’s worn out. What to do? We can try using different methods, old and new.


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