(Please read from the start)
>> Notice the wind anons.
7 – The guy films broken and damaged stairs. If you look closely, you will wonder where can someone stand when he gets to the top, right? There is no place to stand there. I think we should take a look at the fallen big blocks downstairs anons ^_^ this is a damaged site, something fell, and I won’t be surprised to find a rather big flat surface block with wear on it downstairs = place where the shamans would be standing to read the stars. It’s so obvious that this site has sustained damage and the initial structure has changed.
8 – The guy mentions a petroglyph in the vicinity of the portal and it’s obvious they are looking for it to film it. Then he walks this narrow passage with a lady wearing red filmed in front of him. Anons, take a good look at how smooth and flat that wall is on the right side of the guy. This is man made. This is not natural rock formation. The passage was cut out by hand. Then when he reaches the highest point we see a big view of “rock walls” that are parallel to one another. I’ve never seen anything like this in my entire life. I wish a geologist can give us information if these rocks are naturally formed or if there is human intervention. It’s like 2 perfect parallel lines made of rock. Since I know the Amaru muru rock has been re-shaped by humans and it also sustained damage that made some chunks of it fall, then, I think researchers should carefully = no rushing, be checking out those “strange” rock formations as well. I’ve attached a picture with this page for anons to make them undersand what I mean here. Anons, just check the width between each section: it’s almost the same from start to end in this picture, almost a perfect straight line, same width and parallel. In Heavens name, please don’t tell me this is the work of Mother Nature. As I’ve said before, I’ve never seen anything like this before being naturally made.
9 – Then the guy in the video makes a very interesting comment = the altitude = around 4000 m above sea level and this reminds me of the oxygen level in the area and how hard it must have been to simply walk. He then mentions a scene from Jurasic park or a martian senario; just freeze the picture on the big blocks proudly standing on his right hand side anons = we can see 4 of them on the screen. Yup, those are construction blocks….same as the big blocks we have in Tiwanaku, but these are highly damaged and even eroded. I’m only saying this about the 4 blocks we see on his right hand = look at their supporting edge, it’s almost a perfect line. And I want to draw attention to the camouflage technique used again here, to make it all blend with the natural stones.
10 – I like this guy from the video because he did a very logical thing and that is to talk with a local and ask him to show him some stuff and tell him the “old” stories. The local youth tells the story of his grandpa seeing the portal “shining sunlight” at 9 pm, during a full moon, then inside the portal he saw a golden city with a street, there was a shining light that caught his attention first though and made him turn around to see it. It only lasted for a few seconds, he had a small glimps and then poof, it was gone. The grandpa believes there is another dimension, some sort of connection. Some sort of portal or stargate, that can take people with pure hearts to the other side.
Do you believe in the story given by Socrates grandpa anons?
I do.
I believe the grandpa really saw what he said he saw. But I do NOT think he is accurate on how he interpreted what he saw. The testimony of the grandpa can be divided into 2 parts: 1 - the description or testimony of what he witnessed, saw – and 2 – his interpretation and understanding of what he saw. Let me explain before you jump into wrongful conclusion anons.
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