(Please read from the start)
“Deep-sea trace fossils of the Oligocene–Miocene Numidian Formation, northern Tunisia.”
>>Same type of findings in Tunisia, but the notable is that it’s DEEP SEA type of Fossils.
“The Zallah Incision local fauna from Libya appears to be close in age to Fayum quarries in the Jebel Qatrani Formation of Egypt and the Taqah locality in the Ashawq Formation of Oman.”
>> This is super interesting anons. It gave me an idea, a thought that I will check right after I finish with the fossils in North Africa.
“The 200-square-kilometre UNESCO World Heritage site was the sea bed of the central Tethys Sea, a body of water that existed some 200 million years ago, its coastline extending from Alexandria down to Luxor. The highly nutritious waters of the Tethys Sea had made it a favoured roaming spot for ancient marine monsters like the Basilosaurus Isis, a 37 million-year-old powerful whale with a 15 to 20 metre long body and sharp teeth, and the five-metre-long Dorundon Atrox whale, believed to be the ancestor of all modern whales.”
“Visible layers of sedimentation scarring the flanks of the surrounding limestone hills bear witness to the changing seawater levels across different geological eras.”
>> Of course (((they))) are peddling the climate change narrative in this article as the reason why we have these fossils.
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