(Please read from the start)
“The purpose of the lines continues to be debated. Some researchers theorize they were created for the gods to look upon them from above, while others suggest they were some sort of calendar with astronomical alignments that would aid in planting and harvesting of crops. Others have thought the lines were the pathways for important ceremonial processions.[15] The lines have been studied by experts from several disciplines. Anthropologists, archaeologists, and astronomers have all studied the lines,[1] but have not found conclusive evidence for any of the theories as to purpose.”
>> I will be checking the Nazca geoglyphs after I finish with this Wikipedia page and Cahuachi.
“Trephination and cranial manipulation
Trephination was a primitive skull surgery used by the Nazca that relieved pressure on the brain from battle wounds or for ritual purposes. It entails the removal of one or more sections of bone from the skull (while the person is still alive). Evidence of trephination has been seen through the analysis of excavated skulls. Some of the skulls show signs of healing, evidence that the person had survived the operation.”
>> This is quite different from the narrative put above in this Wikipedia page, isn’t it? So now it has a surgical connotation to it not sacrificial, since there are “healing” traces on the bones. I think this is a sign on advanced medical, surgical knowledge, but since they lack “modern surgical” tools, like the ones we have nowadays, this is the best the doctors could achieve. Just imagime you breaking a leg while you are hicking, and you stay stranded for 2 days on the mountains. So what will you do with no modern medical tools as cast and aircast boots? You will probably bandage roughly while trying to stabilize your bone with 2 pieces of wood picked up on the mountain, like tree branches or anything alike. This is how things happen when you don’t have modern tools to get yourself treated. So in able to perform such perforation to the skull and LIVE, survive it…..do you realize what this means anons? It means that the medicine was advanced enough for them to KNOW this will ease pressure from the brain, as well as they knew the human anatomy. It’s not like the Ancient Egyptians whom used to think that the heart is the center, the principal, main organ…..while they used to throw the brain away as if it’s totally “unneccessary” during the mumification process. So in other words, the Nazca doctors used to know about the brain and its role, at least partially if not fully. This is sign of advanced biological and medical knowledge anons, there is nothing primitive about it….what I can qualify as primitive is the method used, and I can attribute the cause of it to the lack of medical surgical tools. Can a doctor or a surgeon perform a full blown surgery without their current tools, machines and surgery room? This is a very interesting field for anons to dig into. They should not just compare to Ancient civilizations medical levels, but also they can push it to the Medieval period as well.
“Elongated skulls, as a result of skull manipulation, were also seen in the excavations from Cahuachi. This effect was achieved by binding a cushion to an infant's forehead and a board to the back of the head. Archaeologists can only speculate as to why this was done to some of the skulls. Several theories suggest skull manipulation created an ethnic identity, formed the individual into a social being, or may have illustrated social status.
Some historic Native American cultures in North America also practiced such shaping of skulls, such as the Snake, Cowlitz and Chinook peoples, most of whom lived west of the Columbia River in the Pacific Northwest. They were informally known as the Flathead peoples.”
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