(Please read from the start)
Let’s continue with the translation:
“The Egyptians themselves claim that their history begins with the reign of Osiris and that before him there had already been three great divine reigns: the reign of Air Shou; the reign of the Ra Spirit, the reign of the Earth Geb. In these reigns seem to be sketched the eras preceding ours and in that of Geb, the era of Atlantis. Osiris, the god-king and man, is evoked as a man of infinite goodness and wisdom, who unites all the nomadic tribes and teaches them to transform the damage of the floods into benefits, to repel the destruction of the desert by irrigation and working the land, and in particular the cultivation of wheat to make flour and bread, vine to make wine, barley to make beer. Osiris also introduced the nomads to the extraction and working of metals and, with the sage Thor, taught them writing and art. His mission accomplished, he leaves on the throne his beloved and collaborating companion, Isis, and leaves for the East (Mesopotamia) to educate all peoples. On his return, his brother Seth, ambushes him, kills him, seizes the throne and disperses the members of the corpse throughout Egypt. Isis, overcome with pain, goes in search of her beloved husband, by divine inspiration succeeds in finding the remains and with the help of the faithful Anubis recomposes it. And here is the miracle: thanks to the tears of his inconsolable wife, Osiris revives and goes up to heaven after having left him a son, Horus. As an adult, after a long and uncertain struggle, Horus definitively kills the usurper and resumes the work of his father Osiris.”
1 – We have 4 divine reigns on earth = 4 eras:
1A- Reign of Air Shou = Air Element.
1B- Reign of Earth Geb = Earth Element.
1C- Reign of Ra Spirit = Fire Element – reread Ra & “Eye of Ra”- (Page 69).
1D- Reign of Osiris = not mention but it should be Water Element.
2 - What is not mentioned is a version of the myth where Isis finds her husband’s body at the Phoenician city-state of Gbl (Gubal) = Byblos. This is related to us by Plutarch, which we already know is very biased when talking about a person, but is accurate in the description of objects and places. Plutarch should be read very carefully.
The next link contains what Plutarch wrote about it in his “Morals” =
As for this link about Byblos, I say it’s 90% accurate in the information they are providing about it =
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