Anonymous ID: 1ef946 May 17, 2020, 5:04 a.m. No.9209747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9903


When I first learned about Mind Control slavery

I immediately thought of the medieval Jewish golem

And then, when I read accounts of the golem

It reminded me of Haitian accounts of zomies

Who were drugged with something found in local marine life

And caused a person's mind to be dull but they could still do manual labor

Could the Jews have known these dark secrets?

So I went back intending to research Babylon

But got waylaid into Sumeria instead

Where I noticed that the carvings showing the rulers

And the people

Always showed the people in subservient poses

As if they were actually slaves

We know of Sumer from Akkadian language records

And ancestor of Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic languages

The wandering tribes of Abraham, clearly came from the same culture

How ancient was this knowledge?


But then I noticed an odd phrase

Did the race of the children of men invent it?

With a bit of digging, I found children of men

Was used in the writings of ascetic Christian monks

From the Egyptian desert and Ethiopia

And also in the Protoevangelium of James

An apocryphal gospel that tells of the birth of Mary

Mother of Jesus Christ

In reading this account, they seem to me

To be behaving like bloodline Illuminati

Mary is brought to priests to be blessed

Which is what happens to girls in Satanic Ritual Abuse

Where at age 3, on the eve of their 4th birthday

They are opened sexually.

And the Mary and her husband Joseph are cousins

Incestuous inbreeding.

The PDF of this book is attached


The choice to know is yours

In any event, the political events and economic events

Will still unfold, independent of the religious beliefs

Of any of the players in this movie

Anonymous ID: 1ef946 May 17, 2020, 5:09 a.m. No.9209782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9831



Trump said the vaccine will be available for anybody who wants it

And that it was OK if people didn't want it.


Reading between the lines

Even though 300 million doses sounds like all of the USA

If the USA creates the first workable and tested and quality checked vaccine

Other countries will want it to

So a last minute shift to saying only people with compromised system really need the vaccine

Would drop US demand down to maybe 25 million

Leaving the rest to be sold to all the other countries.


He is restructuring and fixing the vaccine industry

At the same time he is strengthening America's economic position

Anonymous ID: 1ef946 May 17, 2020, 5:35 a.m. No.9209937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0130


Never seen the Ellen show before

But what struck me was the name

Circle, twin towers, circle, arch

Reminded me of an analysis I did of the ISIS flag


To be clear

The ISIS logo has 3 lines of letters

It appears to say Mohammed is the Messenger of God

But it is written backwards from bottom to top.


The bottom row has Mohammed's name like a snake with two fangs

Isis was the ancient Egyptian snake goddess.


The middle row has twin towers at either end

And in between the letters look like 3 lines and a circle


The top row also has letters that look like 3 lines and a circle.

They were trying to make their MAGICK SPELL more powerful this way.

Symbolism will be their downfall


I also include the Shahada written out

With each letter separated

So you can check them out yourself

Even if you don't know Arabic

The flag is not written naturally


What I'm saying is that this is a sign of a Cabal project

So the SCO would also appear to be one of those

And the Russia name has the initials


And you can clearly see

3 lines, a circle and a snake

By the way, the 3 lines of the logo

Are the pale green ones

Compare with the red ones

In the Obama logo

Anonymous ID: 1ef946 May 17, 2020, 6 a.m. No.9210086   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If you are going to be irrational about it

And refuse to do REAL RESEARCH

To find out what is actually going on

Then you deserve everything that you SUFFER

It's called self-flagellation

So the question really is

Are you mentally ill, or are you just lazy.

It's that simple.

If you don't get off your ass and do the work

Then don't expect any of the benefits