oy vey !
I don't understand why the shuttle flies inverted, in a parabola after a vertical launch
It would surely make more sense to have the shuttle right way up when it ejects the solid rocket boosters, to avoid collision as they separate
poor Toots is in rehab somewhere in cat shill-heaven
When I first saw that Fauci pic I thought his hands looked wrong: it's an uncomfortable way to clasp hands together for any length of time
cabal hand signal maybe ? he's done that before
>nose wipe
>the guy at NASA
kneejerk sarcasm noted , anon
but, do you believe everything NASA tells you ?
honest answer now
what do you "believe" compared to what you "know" when it comes to NASA ?
cognitive dissonance ?
>I hope everyone got the symbolism
yeah, I picked up on that straight away, but didn't want to fame-fag about it
is she on Epstein's lolita express ?
>get us over the moon to Mars!
anon, listen up, we can't ever get into space because of the deadly Van Halen belts