Yesterday an anon embedded a video clip of Pediatrcian Dr. Carol Baker saying she wanted to get rid of white people because highly educated whites were the most likely to refuse vaccines.
I have a hypothesis that people here illegally, who are not actual DS criminal will vote Trump (figuring that Governor Nuisance's recent cash for illegals plan is designed to buy their support and mail in ballots are the means to get them to vote). This is because anti-vaccine "misinformation", is exploding on the internet and the Demoncrat Party (heavily and treasonously in bed with the CCP) is nealy 100% on board with mandated Bill Gates microchipping via "COVID-19" vaccines. My point: Even folks who risk being sent back to their home countries will probably not be on board with tyrannical NWO fascists wanting to turn them (and their babies) into brain dead internet connected, "mark of the Beast" zombies.