Three Fucking Freddys
It should be a wild ride today
Three Fucking Freddys
It should be a wild ride today
Need the entertainment
Gonna watch and see if one is strong
enough to draw some blood
Most likely all three are pussies
Ferddy ???
Damn if your shill panties are now showing
and they are not clearly red
Noticed how I worded to fuck with the AI
Intend to back Elise until there is a ton of evidence
saying that I should not support her
Sleepers exist - so I keep watch
Don't know and don't give a fuck about Toots or Freddy
The history of Toots holds no interest for me
Styx is still a child who believes in
witches and dragons and rituals
20 more years and he might grow up
if he don't fry his brain with drugs
The damn retard was the one who first posted his picture
You are only looking at a repost of that picture