all obama's are fake…..all of them
barry and his wookie tranny boyfriend michael
the adopted kids
the great american lie
all obama's are fake…..all of them
barry and his wookie tranny boyfriend michael
the adopted kids
the great american lie
>anyway, cognitive dissonance is a thing
you can always tell when the CD is strong with some one, when they get immediately triggered when their programming is challenged
like a switch is thrown inside their brain instantly
I want to know why that mouse on the "rocket" nozzle wasn't wearing its spacesuit for the EVA ?
where's Elon to explain ?
I hope Obama doesn't try to "probe" you during your dream twilight fantasies, Moochelle might get jelly
potus…he's golden at trolling the msm
oh shit, Elon faked the mouse as well ?>>9210925