>welcome to church!
This isn't church, it's entertainment based on a false gospel.
May God save us from this kind of false Christianity. These men are evil. Wolves in sheep's clothing.
>welcome to church!
This isn't church, it's entertainment based on a false gospel.
May God save us from this kind of false Christianity. These men are evil. Wolves in sheep's clothing.
COVID19 is a cover=up for 32+ diseases and counting caused by inclusion of animal viruses in blood and vaccines.
>So I was correct.
>You don't have the ability to discern for yourself, just herd mentality.
>Following what everybody else says ABOUT others without the benefit of the doubt on the info they have.
>'fame whore' a word used here alot, once labled that there is no way you'll objectively look at information and discern it accordingly, you have already judged, thus making everything you write as questionable as those your accusing.
Totally agree. Too many brainwashed, sub 100 anons here who lack any ability to discern never mind any capacity for critical thinking.