He was the only one never fired.
He was the only one who had a problem with what they were doing.
He's a star witness.
They damn near scrubbed him off the interwebz.
Been thinking about Where We Go One We Go All.
Made sense in White Squall, as they were all on the same ship.
But for us, here? Maybe if you view planet earth as a ship, which in a sense it is.
But then I remembered Neil Armstrong's "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
We're going to Mars, bitches.
Men who attempt to describe a universe without God, without God's Word, and who actually contradict God's Word, do not end well, no matter how intelligent and educated they are.
Wisdom does not come with intelligence, and is far superior to intelligence.
That which is rewarded, is repeated.
They're 4 times bigger, so we should pay 25% of what they pay.