>>9211042 (lb)
>Hickory dickory dock
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck one
And the other two got away with minor injuries
Mouses poke thru holes (portals) with a long tale line behind them. M.O. (modus operandi-that parses down too) use/you see.
"Docking" the "or" "Y" to/2 man is the goal.
Anus shit involved.
Clock - c-lock/sea-lock/seal-lock/see low-seek?
"other" 2 got "A-way/27" wit etch M in or/miner in jour (day) E's/ease/E-sees
Parsing shit down is everything. Making connections with other forms of the word, homophones, homonyms, other "Romance languages"/latin/greek. It's no wonder to put "English" on a cue ball in pool is to put deceptive spn on it, because that's what our whole damn language is! SPIN!
Quantum of Conscience often points out that if a suck-ass song like "Row row row your boat" is universally known, and it's clearly not because the song's any damn good, look deeper. He's right. He's also a high-level mason being forced into gradual disclose, IMO, along with all the rest of them.