Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 10:36 a.m. No.9212641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2671 >>3078 >>3199 >>3256 >>3284

Mueller Star Witness, Matt Tait, Also Told a Different Story Under Oath – He Had Nothing – Was Former Colleague of Mueller’s Pitbull Andrew Weissmann


The attorney for a star witness of the Mueller sham just happens to be a colleague of former Mueller gang leader Andrew Weissmann. Who would have thought?


A week ago, the transcripts from House hearings a couple years ago, involving the fraudulent Trump – Russia collusion sham, were finally released. One individual who spoke before the House Committee was Matt Tait.


Tait wrote a post at the notoriously far left entity Lawfare on June 30, 2017. This was at the same time the media was all over the Trump-Russia fraudulent sham and so Tait’s post received some attention from the liberal media.


Tait wrote: “The Time I Got Recruited to Collude with the Russians.“


In his piece Tait shared the following:



… right around the time the DNC emails were dumped by Wikileaks—and curiously, around the same time Trump called for the Russians to get Hillary Clinton’s missing emails—I was contacted out the blue by a man named Peter Smith, who had seen my work going through these emails. Smith implied that he was a well-connected Republican political operative.


Initially, I assumed the query must have been about my work on the DNC hack; after all, few people followed my account prior to the DNC breach, whereas my analysis of the break-in at the DNC had received considerably more coverage. I assumed his query about the “Clinton emails” was therefore a mistake and that he meant instead to talk to me about the emails stolen from the DNC. So I agreed to talk to him, thinking that, whatever my views on then-candidate Trump, if a national campaign wanted an independent non-partisan view on the facts surrounding the case, I should provide it to the best of my ability.


Yet Smith had not contacted me about the DNC hack, but rather about his conviction that Clinton’s private email server had been hacked—in his view almost certainly both by the Russian government and likely by multiple other hackers too—and his desire to ensure that the fruits of those hacks were exposed prior to the election. Over the course of a long phone call, he mentioned that he had been contacted by someone on the “Dark Web” who claimed to have a copy of emails from Secretary Clinton’s private server, and this was why he had contacted me; he wanted me to help validate whether or not the emails were genuine.


Peter Smith died in May 2017 in an apparent suicide.


Tait, the former GCHQ staffer, spoke with the Mueller gang and he also testified in front of Congress. The attorney at Tait’s side happened to be David M. Bitkower.


It’s really no surprise that Bitkower worked with Weissmann. The entire story that Tait shared at Lawfare was full of holes.


Tait was also the source for a Wall Street Journal report the day before Tait’s post at Lawfare. In the WSJ report, Tait and Shane Harris from the Wall Street Journal tried to tie Peter Smith with General Michael Flynn. The entire story was based on a man who had died by suicide a month prior.


However, under oath, with Weissman’s colleague at his side, Tait shared an entire different story:

Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.9212661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2824

Italian Politician Demands Bill Gates Arrest For Crimes Against Humanity


As the FDA shuts down a Bill Gates-funded COVID-testing program, an Italian politician has demanded the arrest of Bill Gates in the Italian parliament.


Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome denounced Bill Gates as a “vaccine criminal” and urged the Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.


She also exposed Bill Gates’ agenda in India and Africa, along with the plans to chip the human race through the digital identification program ID2020.


As reported by GreatGameIndia earlier, in 2015 it were the Italians who exposed secret Chinese biological experiments with Coronavirus. The video, which was broadcast in November, 2015, showed how Chinese scientists were doing biological experiments on a SARS connected virus believed to be Coronavirus, derived from bats and mice, asking whether it was worth the risk in order to be able to modify the virus for compatibility with human organisms.

Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.9212690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3078 >>3199 >>3284

San Diego official reveals only six of county's nearly 200 COVID-deaths are 'pure, solely coronavirus' deaths


'I believe we can keep people safe and responsibly open our businesses'


San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond is pushing back against California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom's stay-at-home order, revealing that most of his county's coronavirus-deaths were not directly caused by the virus.


In a radio interview last week, Desmond said only six of the COVID-19 deaths in his county were "purely, solely" from coronavirus, the San Diego Tribune reported.


"We've unfortunately had six pure, solely coronavirus deaths — six out of 3.3 million people," Desmond explained. "I mean, what number are we trying to get to with those odds? I mean, it's incredible. We want to be safe, and we can do it, but unfortunately, it's more about control than getting the economy going again and keeping people safe."


Desmond was touching on a somewhat controversial, yet obvious fact: the vast majority of COVID-19 deaths are of people with preexisting, underlying health problems.


If the majority of deaths are of people with underlying health conditions, then strict lockdown orders should end, Desmond told the Tribune.


"Any loss of life, for any reason, is worth preventing," he said. "Clearly, those with underlying circumstances are the most vulnerable. I believe we can keep people safe and responsibly open our businesses."


Indeed, an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association last month indicated that more than 90% of COVID-19 hospitalizations in New York City were of patients with underlying health conditions.


The findings indicate what experts already suspected: that the elderly and medically vulnerable are most susceptible to develop serious coronavirus symptoms that warrant hospitalization.

Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.9212713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3033 >>3078 >>3199 >>3284

DHS & FBI fear more attacks on 5G infrastructure fueled by Covid-19 conspiracies


The Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies are worried that conspiracy theories, bizarrely linking the Covid-19 pandemic to the 5G technology rollout, could inspire more vandalism and violence in the US.


The DHS, FBI and the National Counterterrorism Center issued a joint warning to US law enforcement officials about the growing threat this week, while a separate DHS intelligence report, obtained by ABC News, noted that the widening online “misinformation campaigns” have “already prompted arson and physical attacks against cell towers in several US states.”


We assess conspiracy theories linking the spread of Covid-19 to the expansion of the 5G cellular network are inciting attacks against the communications infrastructure globally and that these threats probably will increase as the disease continues to spread, including calls for violence against telecommunications workers.


Despite scientific studies repeatedly concluding that the new-generation communications system does not pose any significant threat to humans, and researchers overwhelmingly rubbishing the ‘Covid-19 link’ as biologically impossible, the fear of 5G escalated during the coronavirus outbreak, often fueled by highly-followed celebrities.


Nearly two dozen cell towers were targeted in arson attacks and other ‘incidents’ across the US since December 2019, and authorities fear that the conspiracies could inspire even more “violent extremists” if allowed to spread unabated.


Similar acts of vandalism and arson were previously reported in the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand – while medical authorities in the UK were forced to address the issue, blasting the theories as “complete and utter rubbish” and “the worst kind of fake news.”

Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.9212743   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chinese Official Confirms That China Ordered Labs To Destroy Coronavirus Samples


A senior Chinese government official confirmed Friday that authorities ordered laboratories to destroy samples of coronavirus in early January.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had accused Chinese officials of ordering the samples’ destruction as part of the regime’s cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak in its early stages.


Pompeo said on April 22 that China “censored those who tried to warn the world, it ordered a halt to testing of new samples, and it destroyed existing samples.” He offered more specificity on May 6, stating that China’s National Health Commission [NHC] ordered virus samples destroyed on Jan. 3.


NHC official Liu Dengfeng conceded at a briefing on Friday that the agency had ordered the labs to destroy the samples, but said that the order was given for safety reasons.


“If the laboratory conditions cannot meet the requirements for the safe preservation of samples, the samples should be destroyed on the spot or transferred to a professional institution for safekeeping,” Dengfend said, according to The Wall Street Journal.


“Based on comprehensive research and expert opinion, we decided to temporarily manage the pathogen causing the pneumonia as Class II — highly pathogenic — and imposed biosafety requirements on sample collection, transport and experimental activities, as well as destroying the samples,” Dengfeng said, according to the South China Morning Post.

Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.9212758   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Greece: EU funds Turkish military forces that harass Greece


A European Commissioner has revealed the fact that the European Union has purchased equipment for the Turkish armed forces that are now being used to make provocative moves against its neighbor, Greece.


The Turkish armed forces have a long history of intimidating Greece. Tensions have mounted this year as Turkey unleashed a new wave of illegal migrants on Greece, its fighter jets harassed a helicopter that was carrying Greece’s top two military commanders, and its personnel have fired weapons across the border into Greek territory, as previously reported by Voice of Europe.


Another way Turkey provokes its Greek neighbor is by sending vessels into Greek territorial waters in the Aegean Sea. Turkey has made no secret of the fact that it hopes to one day seize Greece’s islands in the Aegean so that it can take over the vast oil and natural gas deposits there.


The EU has always refused to do anything to respond to Turkey’s aggression. And now Olivér Várhelyi, the European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, has confirmed that the bloc purchased four vessels for the Turkish Coast Guard as part of the EU and Turkey’s Joint Declaration on the Refugee Crisis. The vessel purchases were made last year as part of an EU initiative to “ensure proper border management with the aim of securing and protecting refugees, the local population, and finally, Turks and European citizens,” according to a report by Proto Thema.


Várhelyi’s statement was in response to a question that had been put to him about the program by Nikos Androulakis, an MEP from Greece. Androulakis posed the question after Turkish Coast Guard vessels had entered Greek waters without authorisation in March.


In addition to the vessels, Várhelyi confirmed that the EU has also paid for the purchases of armoured vehicles and surveillance equipment for Turkey to be used as part of border security efforts. He told Androulakis that “the Commission will continue to monitor the situation to ensure that all the commitments are being followed.”


He further indicated that the Commission would continue to honor the agreement despite Turkey’s moves against Greece in recent months.


“While it is unacceptable for [Turkish President] Erdoğan to use refugees and migrants as a means to blackmail Europe, the Commission continues to fund purchases for the Turkish Armed Forces and security forces,” Androulakis said in a statement. “Especially after the events in Evros, where the entire European leadership visited the Greek border and saw the magnitude of the threat to European security from Turkey’s actions, the Hungarian Commissioner cannot be indifferent and continue such programs normally. Turkey must stop receiving money from the Pre-Accession Assistance Fund, especially for projects related to the purchase of equipment for the Turkish security forces. Immediate explanations are needed from the European Commission regarding this policy.”

Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 10:48 a.m. No.9212782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3078 >>3199 >>3284

Azar: No Spike in Coronavirus in Places Reopening


Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said there has been no spike in coronavirus cases in the states that are reopening.


Host Jake Tapper asked, “Let me ask you, this is intrigue to me because some states have been reopening despite warnings of dire consequences from health experts, states like Georgia and Colorado began reopening weeks ago, and it seems at least so far that we have not seen a dramatic spike in new cases from those two states, Georgia and Colorado. What have you seen from those states? Is there any cause for concern that they reopened early? Is it still too early to tell? Or are they taking measures such as social distancing and masks that make this reopening work?”


Azar said, “Jake, I think your question is very insightful. We are seeing that in areas that are opening, we’re not seeing the spike in cases. We still see spikes in some areas that are, in fact, closed, very localized situations. And so this is going to be very important for us to watch the circumstances on the ground. With reopening, what’s the key to reopening? First, we need to have good surveillance. So we need to look for influenza-like illness and other respiratory disease. We have a great surveillance system for that. We look for spikes and early indicators. We have adequate testing capacity. We need to make sure anybody who is symptomatic is tested and that we have adequate asymptomatic surveillance in areas of greatest burden. Senior living, congregate living situations like prisons or m facilities where people are close together. So we look for early indicators. Then we use the traditional public health tools to surge in there. We would test everybody there. We would do contact tracing and isolation. That’s where places like Georgia and Colorado, as they reopen, it’s these tools that allow us to be reopened, but do so in a safe way that lets the economy function but allows us to use the traditional tools of public health to move forward as we would with any other disease.”


On if reopening is dependent on a vaccine, Azar added, “So what the president was making the point on is, everything does not depend on a vaccine.

We’re committed to delivering a vaccine. We’ll put the full power of the U.S. government and our private sector towards getting a vaccine, but that’s one of a multifactorial response program. First is the testing we talked about before, broad surveillance to find cases, surge in and contain.”

Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.9212820   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2845 >>2944 >>3050 >>3078 >>3087 >>3199 >>3284

CA Gov. Newsom: Federal Government Has ‘Moral’ And ‘Ethical’ Obligation to Financially Support States


Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) said federal lawmakers have a “moral” and “ethical” obligation to provide emergency relief to states amid the coronavirus pandemic.


Partial transcript as follows:


TAPPER: So, the position of the White House seems to be that any money for states would be premature. What’s your response, sir?


NEWSOM: Well, it’s not charity. I mean, a year ago, Jake, we were running a $21.5 billion surplus. And here we are at $54.3 billion budget deficit that is directly COVID- induced. We have been managing our budget effectively, efficiently, paying down our long-term pension obligations. We had a bond rating that went up twice last year, the highest in decades. So, we’re not looking for charity. We’re not looking for handouts. It’s social responsibility, at a time when states not just California, large and small, all across this country, cities, and counties, large and small, all across this country are facing unprecedented budgetary stress. It is incumbent upon the federal government to help support these states through this difficult time.


TAPPER: Well, the House passed a bill on Friday night with money for states, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has suggested it’s dead on arrival. Can you explain what you think will happen to California if the federal government doesn’t give you money to help you out?


NEWSOM: Well, these same folks that say it’s dead on arrival, I hope they will consider this. The next time they want to salute and celebrate our heroes, our first responders, our police officers, and firefighters, consider the fact that they are the first ones that will be laid off by cities and counties. The folks that are out there, the true heroes of this pandemic are health care workers and nurses. Those county health systems have been ravaged. Their budgets have been devastated and depleted. Their budget counts depleted since this pandemic. They’re the first ones to be laid off. So, we have got to square our rhetoric with the reality. Twenty percent of Americans are unemployed. In a few weeks, over 100,000 Americans will have lost their lives. These are Depression-era unemployment numbers, and we have to own up to that. So, I’m not looking to score cheap political points, but I do want to make this point, Jake. We have an obligation, a moral, an ethical obligation to American citizens all across this country to help support cities, states and counties.

Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.9212832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2846 >>2896

Rwandan Genocide perpetrator arrested in Paris


KIGALI, Rwanda (AP) — One of the most wanted fugitives in Rwanda’s 1994 genocide has been arrested in Paris, authorities said Saturday.


Felicien Kabuga, who had a $5 million bounty on his head, had been accused of equipping militias in the genocide that killed more than 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus who tried to protect them.


The 84-year-old Kabuga was arrested as a result of a joint investigation with the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals office of the prosecutor, French authorities said.


He had been living in Paris under an assumed name, the appeals court’s prosecutor’s office said.


The UN’s International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda indicted Kabuga in 1997 on charges related to conspiracy to commit genocide, persecution, and extermination.


Rwandan prosecutors have said financial documents found in the capital, Kigali, after the genocide indicated that Kabuga used his companies to import vast quantities of machetes that were used slaughter people.


The wealthy businessman also was accused of establishing the station Radio Television Mille Collines that broadcast vicious propaganda against the ethnic Tutsi, as well as training and equipping the Interahamwe militia that led the killing spree.


Kabuga was close to former President Juvenal Habyarimana, whose death when his plane was shot down over Kigali sparked the 100-day genocide. Kabuga’s daughter married Habyarimana’s son.


Kabuga is expected to be transferred to the custody of the UN mechanism, where he will stand trial.


“The arrest of Kabuga today is a reminder that those responsible for genocide can be brought to account, even 26 years after their crimes,” the mechanism’s chief prosecutor Serge Brammertz said in a statement.


Officials in Rwanda hailed the arrest and said the East African nation will continue to collaborate with the UN mechanism to ensure that justice is served.


According to Rwandan prosecutors, other top fugitives still at large include Protais Mpiranya, the former commandant of the Presidential Guards, and former defence minister Augustin Bizimana.

Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.9212871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2889

Hungary’s Conservative Govt Sounds Alarm on Facebook’s New ‘Soros Oversight Board’


The Hungarian government is sounding the alarm over a powerful new oversight team for content shared on Facebook, denouncing it as the “Soros Oversight Board”.


Hungarian premier Viktor Orbán is something of an archnemesis to George Soros, the 89-year-old pro-open borders plutocrat and convicted insider trader — frequently making a point of calling out his efforts to undermine the Hungarian government’s strong pro-borders, anti-mass migration policies in a highly public manner.


Soros, in turn, has waged a sustained public relations and lawfare campaign against Orbán, alleging that the Hungarian leader has attempted to run the Central European University which he funds out of the country and attempting to overturn a “Stop Soros” package of legislation intended to make non-governmental “civil society” organisations (NGOs) be more transparent about their sources of foreign funding.


Soros does not only pick fights with Hungary’s conservative leadership, however, also turning his influence and fortune against targets including U.S. President Donald Trump, Brexit, and, most recently, Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg.


Zuckerberg might seem a strange target for Soros, but the left-liberal explained his grievance against the tech tycoon in a January opinion-editorial for the New York Times — namely that he has been insufficiently vigorous in curbing the ability of President Trump and his supporters to use social media to get him re-elected.


“I repeat and reaffirm my accusation against Facebook under the leadership of Mr Zuckerberg and Ms [Sheryl] Sandberg,” Soros railed.


“They follow only one guiding principle: maximize profits irrespective of the consequences. One way or another, they should not be left in control of Facebook.”

Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.9212935   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Famed Fugitive Sinaloa Cartel Commander Executed in Home State


A top-ranking Sinaloa Cartel operator is believed to have been executed in his home state. Just days ago, he went on the run after being granted supervised release by U.S. prosecutors.


While Mexican authorities have largely remained tight-lipped on the case, Rodrigo “El Chino Antrax” Arechiga Gamboa is believed to be one of three bodies found inside a luxury SUV on Saturday morning in Sinaloa. The other two victims have been identified as Arechiga’s sister Jimena and her partner Juan, Mexico’s Rio Doce reported.


Last week, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in San Diego revealed that Arechiga Gamboa fled from supervised release when they requested a warrant for his arrest. The drug lord was last seen at his home on May 6. The cartel commander was set to serve five years of supervised release as part of a plea agreement with prosecutors following a 2015 guilty plea to multiple drug-trafficking charges, Breitbart Texas reported at the time. Federal authorities had arrested Arechiga Gamboa in Amsterdam in 2013.


After fleeing from U.S. authorities, Arechiga Gamboa returned to Sinaloa, where he had been staying in a territory he once controlled as part of his job as one of the Sinaloa Cartel’s top enforcers. According to Rio Doce, Arechiga was staying at a home in the Guadalupe Victoria neighborhood in Culiacan’s eastern side when a group of gunmen arrived. After a fierce shootout they kidnapped him, his sister, and brother in law, only to kill them and leave the bodies inside an SUV registered to Arechiga’s sister. The gunmen left the bodies on the outskirts of town.


Culiacan is the same city where in October, Mexican authorities arrested and released Ovidio “El Raton” Guzman Lopez, one of the sons of imprisoned Sinaloa Cartel kingpin Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Loera. The highly-publicized release came after the Sinaloa Cartel descended on Culiacan and threatened Mexico’s government with extreme violence, Breitbart Texas reported at the time. That move led to widespread criticism of Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.


In late March, as the COVID-19 pandemic swept through Mexico, Lopez Obrador traveled to Sinaloa where he briefly met with Guzman Loera’s mother. The videotaped meeting also earned widespread criticism for the president who has claimed in the past that the war on drugs is over.

Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 11 a.m. No.9212955   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel Perfecting Surveillance Tech


Leave it to the Mossad and Shin Bet to profit militarily and financially from virus.


Israel’s external spy organization Mossad and its internal espionage equivalent Shin Bet have reputations that are much larger than their actual successes, but the one area where they have excelled is electronic intelligence gathering. Recent electronic spying around the White House and other federal buildings in Washington carried out by the Israeli Embassy demonstrates that Israel does not differentiate much between friends and enemies when it conducts espionage. In fact, spying targeting the U.S. is probably its number one priority due to the fact that the Jewish state is so heavily dependent on American support that it feels compelled to learn what discussions relating to it are taking place behind closed doors.


Israeli penetration of U.S. telecommunications began in the 1990s, when American companies like AT&T and Verizon, the chief conduits of the National Security Agency (NSA) for communications surveillance, began to use Israeli-produced hardware, particularly for law enforcement-related surveillance and clandestine recording. The devices had a so-called back door, which meant that everything they did was shared with Israel. Israeli cyber-specialists even broke into classified networks with the NSA and FBI aware of what was going on but unwilling to confront “America’s best ally.” President Bill Clinton once quipped to Monica Lewinski that they should avoid using the Oval Office phone because someone might be listening in. He was referring to Israel.


To be sure, the Jewish state’s high-tech sector has been much assisted in its effort by “own goals” provided by the United States, which allows Israel to bid on government contracts relating to national security, virtually guaranteeing that any technical innovations will be stolen and re-exported by Israeli high-tech companies. Major technology innovators like Intel, which works with the NSA, have set up shop in Israel and have publicly stated, “We think of ourselves as an Israeli company as much as a U.S. company.” Vulture capitalist Zionist billionaire Paul Singer has recently been accused of steering highly paid U.S. tech sector jobs to Israel, jobs that are lost to the American economy forever.


So, Israel is a leader in using electronic resources to carry out espionage and collect information on various targets of interest. Israel is also an innovator, and its close relationship with the U.S. intelligence community (IC), most particularly the NSA, means that technologies and procedures developed by the Jewish state will inevitably show up in America.


The U.S. is in any event working hard on its own tools for managing the public, spurred by Covid-19 hysteria. Special ID cards could help track the health status of individuals. This status would be recorded and updated on a chip readable by government scanners that, by some accounts, might be either carried or even permanently embedded in everyone’s body. Another plan being promoted in a joint venture by Apple and Google that appears to have White House support involves “add[ing] technology to their smartphone platforms that will alert users if they have come into contact with a person with Covid-19. People must opt into the system, but it has the potential to monitor about a third of the world’s population” with monitoring done by central computers. Once the legal principle is established that phones can be manipulated to do what is now an “illegal search,” there are no technical or practical limits to what other tasks could also be performed.

Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.9212990   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jordan's King Warns "Massive Conflict" Coming If Israel Moves To Annex West Bank


With Washington's backing, Israel is planning to move forward on controversial plans to annex a broad swath of the West Bank, particularly the Jordan Valley, as early as this summer. PM Netanyahu last month issued a likely time table of "within two months".


Arab nations, especially in the gulf, have remained uncharacteristically mum about the whole thing as they focus on countering Iran (which has, it should be noted, actually brought Saudi Arabia into a quiet 'covert' intelligence sharing relationship with Israel over the past couple years).


But Jordan on Friday finally went on the offensive, with King Abdullah telling the German magazine Der Spiegel that Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank “will lead to a massive conflict with Jordan”.


The 'warning' was posted to the official website of the king's Royal Hashemite Court on Friday:


Asked about the impact of Israel potentially moving forward with the annexation of parts of the West Bank, the King said it could lead to a massive conflict with Jordan.


“I don't want to make threats and create an atmosphere of loggerheads, but we are considering all options. We agree with many countries in Europe and the international community that the law of strength should not apply in the Middle East,” His Majesty added.


He further reaffirmed Jordan’s position that “the two-state solution is the only way for us to be able to move forward.” He at the same time urged the region to focus on collective efforts at fighting coronavirus instead of clashing with each other, as he said will happen if Israel initiates its provocative and 'illegal' expansionist plans.


Abdullah, who maintains a close relationship with the United States and has long opened his country to CIA and US military presence especially during the early years of regime change efforts in Syria, also warned that "chaos and extremism in the region" would be unleashed if the Palestinian Authority collapsed.


"Leaders who advocate a one-state solution do not understand what that would mean. What would happen if the Palestinian National Authority collapsed? There would be more chaos and extremism in the region," he said.

Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.9213031   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Fed Hasn’t Spent a Dime Yet for Main Street Versus $735 Billion for Wall Street


The stimulus bill known as the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) was signed into law by President Donald Trump on March 27. Among its many features (such as direct checks to struggling Americans and enhancing unemployment compensation by $600 per week for four months to unemployed workers so they could pay their rent and buy food) the bill also carved out a dubious $454 billion (or 25 percent of the total $1.8 trillion spending package) for the U.S. Treasury to hand over to the Federal Reserve. This was the Faustian Bargain the Democrats had to agree to in order to get the deal approved by the Wall Street cronies in the Senate.


If you subtract the $454 billion from the $1.8 trillion total spending package, that left $1.346 trillion for other purposes. But the $454 billion wasn’t really just $454 billion. It was going to be leveraged up by a factor of 10 to 1 into a $4.54 trillion bailout for Wall Street. This, effectively, meant that the CARES Act provided $1.346 trillion for average Americans and other purposes versus $4.54 trillion for Wall Street. In short, the assistance going to Wall Street was more than 3 times larger than that going to families and workers.


White House Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell had cooked up a scheme where the $454 billion would be handed over to the Fed, then split up into chunks, placed into Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) and then leveraged up by as much as 10 to 1 to provide bailouts to Wall Street. The $454 billion is being designated by the Fed as “loss absorbing capital,” meaning that taxpayers will eat the first $454 billion in losses on these Wall Street bailout programs.


Here’s where $215 billion out of the total $454 billion has thus far been earmarked by the Fed for its Wall Street bailout programs:


Primary Market Corporate Credit Facility (PMCCF)


$50 billion has been earmarked to prop up the corporate bond market by buying up new issues of corporate bonds that the big Wall Street banks don’t want to be involved with. (See its Term Sheet here.) This facility will be leveraged up to buy $500 billion in corporate bonds, both investment grade and junk-rated, as long as they were rated investment grade as of March 22.


Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facility (SMCCF)


$25 billion has been earmarked to create this $250 billion program to buy up corporate bonds in the secondary market along with Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). Both investment grade and junk-rated bonds and ETFs will be purchased. (See the Term Sheet here.)


Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF)


$10 billion is earmarked for TALF which will leverage itself up to a $100 billion program that will provide loans against collateral composed of asset-backed securities. (See the Term Sheet here.)

Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.9213067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3121

Blood-thinning drugs can help save the lives of coronavirus patients by stopping dangerous clots forming on the lungs, British scientists discover


Blood-thinning drugs can help save the lives of coronavirus patients by stopping dangerous clots forming on the lungs, British scientists have discovered.


London specialists made the discovery after finding Covid-19 caused potentially deadly blood clots in the lungs of most patients who die.

NHS England will give hospitals new guidance on blood thinning, which may lead to the administration of higher doses for those who are critically ill.


Specialists at the Royal Brompton Hospital's severe respiratory failure service identified the clearest link yet between Covid-19 and clotting.


They used hi-tech dual energy CAT scans to take images of lung function in the worst patients - which found a lack of blood flow, suggesting clotting within the small vessels in the lung.


This may explain why some patients die of lung failure through lack of oxygen in the blood, doctors told The Sunday Telegraph.


Low oxygen levels have been regularly recorded in Covid patients reporting no breathlessness.

Prof Openshaw, a specialist in experimental medicine at Imperial College London told the publication: 'This intravascular clotting is a really nasty twist that we haven't seen before with many other viruses.

Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.9213103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3107 >>3124 >>3133 >>3175 >>3237

No State Bailouts! Governor Cuomo says if he doesn’t get his $61 billion handout, he will have to fire police and firemen


Why not just stop over paying by 10,000% on every infrastructure project?… Maybe don’t pay $20 billion for an airport terminal that should only cost $900 million.


TIM POOL: New York Is COLLAPSING, Cuomo’s Worst Fear Just Happened, The Rich Fled And Took Their Money

Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.9213138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3173 >>3186 >>3208 >>3223 >>3227 >>3282 >>3284

Fury in Germany as thousands join protests across country over lockdown measures and a vaccine plan by Bill Gates as Angela Merkel's popularity falls


Thousands of people across Germany are protesting coronavirus lockdown measures over the weekend.


From anger over lockdown measures to a purported vaccine plan by Bill Gates, the growing wave of demonstrations in Germany by conspiracy theorists, extremists and anti-vaxxers against coronavirus measures has alarmed even Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Initially starting as a handful of protesters decrying tough restrictions on public life to halt transmission of the coronavirus, the protests have grown in recent weeks to gatherings of thousands in major German cities.


Meanwhile, German police said on Saturday that they have launched an investigation after a tombstone was placed in front of Chancellor Angela Merkel's electoral offices as part of the protests.


Red roses and candles were placed around the mock tombstone, which bore the inscription: 'Freedom of the press, freedom of opinion, movement and assemblies - Democracy 1990-2020', according to the police.

Saturday marks the restart of Germany's premier football league - the Bundesliga - becoming the first top-flight league in Europe to restart since the coronavirus put a halt to most professional sports on the continent. Germany's second football division will also restart.


All games will be played behind closed doors, and teams have been instructed to follow strict measures to ensure the safety of players and team staff, or risk the season being suspended again.



Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.9213232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3258

The word's No. 2 cigarette company claims it has developed an experimental vaccine for the novel coronavirus that has shown promise in laboratory testing and is now ready to be experimented on humans


Scientists across the world are racing to develop a vaccine for Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus (Reuters photo for representation)


One of the world's top tobacco companies claims to have developed a vaccine for the novel coronavirus that, it says, is poised to be experimented on human beings. Yes, you read that right. London-based British American Tobacco said on Friday that its experimental vaccine for the novel coronavirus has shown promise in laboratory testing and is now ready to enter human trials.


British American Tobacco is the world's No. 2 manufacturer of cigarettes, the leading cause of lung cancer across the world. The World Health Organisation has also warned that smoking cigarettes makes you more likely to develop severe disease if you're infected by the novel coronavirus.


On Friday, British American Tobacco said its experimental vaccine "has been shown to produce a positive immune response" in pre-clinical testing. The vaccine is now poised to enter the first stage of human trials in the United States, the company said in a statement.

"We have committed funds to conduct these clinical trials, which could start as early as late June, pending the responses from relevant health bodies," British American Tobacco said in its statement, adding that it is in touch with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other government agencies across the world.


British American Tobacco's experimental vaccine is based on an artificially built fragment of the novel coronavirus, called an "antigen", which is inserted into tobacco plants for reproduction. "Once the plants were harvested, the antigen was then purified," BAT said in a statement in April.


The idea is that this antigen, which is essentially a component of the novel coronavirus, would generate an immune response from the body when administered to human beings. And, British American Tobacco claims its antigen-vaccine is now ready for to be tried on humans.


In the latest update on its novel coronavirus vaccine efforts, British American Tobacco said on Friday it is "pleased to report the potential vaccine has been shown to produce a positive immune response" in pre-clinical testing and "is now poised to progress to the next stage which will be Phase 1 human clinical trials pending [US] FDA authorisation".


Interestingly, British American Tobacco's experimental shot for the novel coronavirus does not find a mention on the World Health Organisation's global database of vaccine candidates for Covid-19, the disease caused by the new virus. The database, which was last updated on May 11, however is not meant to be exhaustive and currently lists 110 potential vaccines.


Research into a vaccine for the novel coronavirus is happening at an unprecedented pace with scientists skipping or clubbing several stages of development. The expert view is that a novel coronavirus vaccine is still around two years away.

Anonymous ID: 63ba15 May 17, 2020, 11:24 a.m. No.9213308   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Atwater, California Declares Itself ‘Sanctuary City” for Businesses – Allows Owners to Open


The central California city of Atwater passed a resolution on Friday declaring itself a ‘sanctuary city’ for business owners.

Businesses were allowed to open shop this weekend.

ABC news 7 reported:



The City of Atwater has declared itself a “sanctuary city” for all businesses, allowing owners to open despite the state of California’s stay-at-home order amid the coronavirus pandemic.


The Atwater City Council voted on the resolution on Friday afternoon, saying it, “Affirms the city’s commitment to fundamental constitutional rights.”


“This is America. You have the choice. It’s time for the government to stop dictating another month, another three months, six months,” said Atwater Mayor Paul Creighton. “When is it going to end? When everyone is bankrupt?”


Non-profit organizations, such as churches, are also allowed to reopen under the new resolution.