>exploit morale conditions which weaken the unity and strengths of the target country.
>exploit economic, military psychological, and political vulnerabilities.
1-13. CapabilitiesPSYOP, when properly employed, can reduce the morale and combat efficiency of enemy troops and promote dissidence and defection. PSYOP can develop and promote resistance against a hostile regime, promote the cooperation and support of the local populace, sustain the morale of allies and the population of enemy-occupied territories, counter enemy subversion and propaganda, and support cover and deception operations.
Enemy forces use every available means to agitate, subvert, and propagandize U.S. Forces to reduce combat effectiveness. The best defense against enemy PSYOP is a properly trained, well informed, highly motivated, and skillfully led unit. Each commander is responsible for establishing and maintaining troop resistance to enemy PSYOP. To accomplish this, friendly forces are conditioned to recognize and resist enemy PSYOP through—(1) Integration of training in defense against enemy PSYOP into the unit program.(2) Command information program.(3) Exposure to hostile PSYOP during field training exercises.