Anonymous ID: 88dc22 May 17, 2020, 2:36 p.m. No.9215887   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I’ve been thinking about some recent world/business events and musing


Imagine if you will “1984” by George Orwell and “the ministries of Love, Peace, Plenty and Truth”, a big warming for the world. But by the 2000s these ministries were presented too harshly and it Gave The New World Order a need for change. At a certain point that brutal manipulation of society wouldn’t work. Yes the NWO practiced it for a number of years up until maybe until February 4, 2004. But they had to come up with another model because people were waking up that totalitarian ideas were infiltrating the US, so they had to recreate the system. They had to change the system where people weren’t really aware that these ministries existed or didn’t seem so bad.


So what could they do? They had to rebrand the image, it can’t be seemingly so violent or selfish. In order to get the world on board with their rebrand they used mottos/slogans like “do no harm” or “bring the world closer together” or “think different” or “just do it”! All seemingly benign and inviting right!


Now imagine when the companies that were the marketing arm of the NWO, they hired employees which would be the vessel for getting their message out. To change the image they had to provide employees with everything, really great pay, beautiful campuses, fantastic perks, unlimited food etc. and a work force all thinking similarly or on the same page. Can you imagine the surroundings early on, not at all intimidating, yeah a little bit of monitoring, but a lot of company programming. But that was the price employees paid for the grand idea. Normal people thought, “if I could only work there, working hard, changing the world, a great environment, most all employees on the same page on social causes and all the free food you can eat”.


Employees got everything they wanted from the company, to the point where going home wasn’t missed, (but they were missing an integral part of being in the world; and they ultimately lacked the empathy of being in the world).


Empoyees all thought, who wouldn’t buy into this even if you had to believe things about people that seem radical, or you had to spy on your fellow country citizens or world people. After all we’re not harming anyone, look at our mottos and slogans, we’re making the world better right!


So the whole environment was set up on the ideal socialist/communist state, the state/country provides everything you need or want, and sure many in society didn’t have their lives, but that’s socialism.


Now imagine a virus comes along and people have stay at home orders, not only that, all the companies decide to extend the stay at home orders at least until December 2020 or permanently. Then the employees have to fend for themselves, cooking, cleaning, living in the world, interacting with others that don’t share the same thought. As a matter of fact the employees now have to download monitoring programs on their computers at home. They start feeling weird, what is this all about.


What do you think would happen to the programming of the ministries of “Love, Peace, Plenty and Truth” based on the circumstances? Well who knows, but the employees know the companies are making this decision for money, and perhaps a psychological experiment. That might make the citizens of these companies angry.


Eventually it might bring about a gradual awakening, heck it might create a feeling of “we are in this together“, but actually feeling more connected to people in the world. It might even encourage these people to have free thought and resist being told what to think or feel everyday, perhaps it would free up their time to understand people more. And, as they understand more they release their cognitive dissonance and feel something like a great awakening!


Now that would be interesting