Anonymous ID: 8a97b9 May 17, 2020, 2:58 p.m. No.9216147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6164 >>6273 >>6441 >>6523

From The Snowden docs in previous Q post


Note that


"He failed basic annual training for NSA employees on section 702 of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and complained that the training was rigged to be overly difficult. This training included explanations of the privacy protections related to the PRISM program that Snowden would later expose. "


Here we find a link between Snowden, FISA 702 abuse, and PRISM.

Knowing what we know now let's take a moment to refresh about Admiral Rogers and his exposure of section 702 abuse. *Important to note that this is essentially an unapproved FISA.


Excerpts from this article for timeline


Admiral Mike Rogers became NSA director in April 2014.

Sometime in early 2016 Admiral Rogers became aware of “ongoing” and “intentional” violations of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), Section 702(17) surveillance. Specifically item #17 which includes the unauthorized upstream data collection of U.S. individuals within NSA surveillance through the use of “About Query”.

Section 702 – Item #17 “About Queries” are specifically the collection of electronic messaging, emails and upstream phone call surveillance data of U.S. persons.


The public doesn’t discover this issue, and Director Rogers action, until May 2017 when we learn that Rogers told the FISA court he became aware of unlawful surveillance and collection of U.S. persons.

Put into context, with the full back-story, it appears that 2016 surveillance was the political surveillance, the stuff Chairman Nunes was questioning. The dates here are important as they tell a story.

As a result of Rogers suspecting FISA 702(17) surveillance activity was being used for reasons he deemed unlawful, in mid 2016 Rogers ordered the NSA compliance officer to run a full audit on 702 NSA compliance.


Again, 702 is basically spying on Americans; the actual “spying” part is 702. Item 17 is “About Queries“, which allows user queries or searches of content (messaging, email and phone conversations) based on any subject matter put into the search field.


The NSA compliance officer identified several strange 702 “About Queries” were being conducted. These were violations of the fourth amendment (search and seizure), ie searches, privacy violations, and surveillance without a warrant. As an outcome of the notification Rogers initiated a full compliance audit and then blocked all contractor access to the NSA database on April 18,2016, while the audit was ongoing.


Admiral Rogers was briefed on the audit results by the compliance officer on October 20th, 2016. Admiral Mike Rogers ordered all “About Query” activity to be disabled, reported the activity to the DOJ, and then went to the FISA court.


On October 26th, 2016, full FISA court assembled, NSA Director Rogers personally informed the court of the 702(17) violations. Additionally, and as an outcome of the NSA systems inability to guarantee integrity, Rogers also stopped “About Query” permanently.


[Things to note: ♦Note the sequencing; ♦note that Rogers a career military person, followed the chain of command; ♦note the dates as they align with the Trump FISA application from the FBI and DOJ-NSD, (ie. early October 2016); ♦and note amid this sequence/time-line the head of DOJ-National Security Divsion, John P Carlin resigns.]


*Much more in full article too long to post all of it.

Anonymous ID: 8a97b9 May 17, 2020, 3 p.m. No.9216164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6273 >>6441 >>6523





Another piece to this puzzle is the timeline of Michael Flynn in regards to above.


Here is a thread detailing timeline



FISA Judge Rudolph Contreras put in place May 15, 2016.

A FISA judge denied a FISA warrant in June 2016.

Same FISA judge approved a warrant in Oct. 2016.

That FISA warrant used on Mike Flynn.

FISA Judge Contreras is forcibly recused from Flynn case on December 7th, 2017.


  1. Was the recusal an outcome of Contreras recognizing the concerns he expressed in the June 2016 FISA denial; that were later presumably belayed with a more narrow FISA application (albeit enhanced/weighted by additional unlawful evidence collected, ie. the “insurance policy”)?


The information the FBI collected, and the stuff Fusion GPS was creating via Christopher Steele, was used to create the Russian Narrative and also to manipulate the FISC into giving them a FISA warrant. ie. “The Insurance Policy”.


Now linking back to Snowden. We know he was C_A sent to infiltrat/leak tools/embarrass the NSA. When we think about the above info regarding section 702 abuse, we should consider where the data for this info is coming from→NSA


The C_A needed a way to conduct spying on U.S. Citizens through loopholes using the FBI/DOJ (who contracted out- Fusion GPS/Crowdstrike) access to the NSA cloud. See Q post 3764


Does Crowdstrike possess 'gov_capablity' to trace 'break-in' route(s)?

Does Crowdstrike possess 'gov_capability' re: foreign intercepts?

Possible to layer/insert code [Crowdstrike] to designate intruder [intended target]?

NSA data_bridge DNC-Crowdstrike [bulk data collection]

Matters of National Security [Highest Levels].

FISA is only the beginning.

The hole is DEEP.


Thinking "NSA data_bridge DNC-Crowdstrike" could be reference to how the NSA cloud is accessible from the AWS/CIA side which is only audited internally.


This was discussed in Re: (pb) notables >>7627603 , >>7627852, >>7627675, >>7627947, >>7628045 C_A, Amazon & Susan Rice. Dig


Here's an article discussing 704 and 705 abuses as well


*note 702 upstream


At the time of our review, the Agency could not reliably identify queries performed using selectors associated with FAA 704 and 705(b) targets because the SIGINT databases did not uniformly send records in the correct format to [REDACTED] (NSA's SIGINT auditing and logging system).


We identified [REDACTED] queries that were not compliant with the FAA 704 and 705(b) targeting and minimization procedures. [LONG REDACTION] We identified another [REDACTED] queries that were performed outside the targeting authorization periods in E.O. 12333 data, which is prohibited by the E.O. 12333 minimization procedures. We also identified [REDACTED] queries performed using USP slectors in FAA 702 upstream data, which is prohibited by the FAA 702 minimization procedures.


*Note here is mention of EO 12333 (which has been mentioned lately in regards to Flynn unmaskings- EO changed by Obama signed by Clapper 12/15/16- Unmaskings -12/15/16)


So, original purpose of this quick dig was to link Snowden leaks with the section 702//704/705 FISA abuses. Kind of lost track of it, but the links are there. Anons may be able to articulate this a little better than above and make the detailed connections needed here.