msdnc kasie having a nervous tic breakdown as she tries to handle (without a bottle of wine in hand) how to deal with homeschooling full or part time as demonrats suggest very limited school year (read only the rich get to have real school) ideas
template for morana ahowre&witch p00p00 loosie minions >>9218140
demoncrap ← from the comments. excellent read
these evil tyrannical governors across the nation are usurping all laws and constitutional rights while at the same time KILLING the economy for political purpose - to pin it on POTUS 45 2020 TRUMP
shutting down the airports; ports ; medicine ; schools → demoncrapts must be SHUT DOWN
purto rican mauor / guv - who nows but def a trannie luvr demonrat cryin over havin no money and so much welfare