(from last bread)
She used sophistry.
She mis-characterized us.
They used the assumptions they have pushed for some years now.
They had to use a female for this article
She is a typical New York Times liar.
She claimed that we think "Trump hired Mueller"
Total Lie.
But she couldn't say what we really believe, since it's the truth they must hide. And they can't take an actual chance to describe it correctly.
So she cheats.
They must cheat and lie in order to win!
Naturally they will send the "8chan crisis actors" i.e. "shills' to criticize her for her looks.
Then they can use that as evidence for their "conspiracy theory"
Yes, they stage things and pay for on-line trolls. "perception management"
Unfortunately for them, free speech is not a criminal conspiracy.
Yet what they do is a criminal conspiracy.
I.E. lying. and covering-up massive crimes of State - and having their journalists "side-line" as journalists while actually working for the criminal CIA FBI and all the rest.
They have been lying for over 50 years.
There's not enough hours in the day, days in the week, weeks in the years, years in a century to go and exhaustively detail all their lies.
If it wasn't for their lies. None of the countless crimes of those who think they own us, could've been covered up.
Of course they will project their own violence and inhumanity onto us.
Their script is so pat. Their writers are all "old" thinking. She's old, though maybe young in years. Future will tell.