Anonymous ID: 6f86ef April 6, 2018, 12:13 p.m. No.922081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2151



Hi, sure. The more popular Bitcoin becomes, the greater the incentive is for "miners" to operate on the Bitcoin protocol. "Mining" is just doing arbitrarily hard math problems with special computer chips, and finding solutions which are easy to verify but hard to find. This process is called the "Proof of Work consensus mechanism", and it can be thought of as the set of economic incentives that cause people to buy computers, spend electricity on them to do calculations, so that the Bitcoin network can be secure.


Today, right now, so many people are mining Bitcoins that they are consuming more electricity than all of Alphabet (Google) or the nation of Ireland. That's just today. Imagine a future where humanity decided to adopt Bitcoin for its money supply - over time the price would keep going up, because there's a scarce number of Bitcoins and increasing demand, which makes people who are already in Bitcoin rich. Others see those people get rich, and decide to buy themselves, which further drives up the price. This is just like a pyramid scheme - you make more money the earlier you get in. Is it a coincidence that this Cabal also operates as a pyramid scheme? I digress..


Anyways, as the price of Bitcoin skyrockets, so does the incentive for miners to participate (they are paid in newly minted Bitcoins). So more and more people start to use more and more computers and electricity to mine Bitcoins, out of their own greed, due to the greed of others. Greed begets greed. This could quickly explode into a major consumer of electricity that is nearly impossible to stop - just like the internet cannot be shut down.


Already, governments are outlawing Bitcoin mining due to insane power demands (https://, and huge botnets are infecting computers around the world. The mining process generates heat, just like your computer at home does when it's on. Today most miners' computers are in massive datacenters that have become geographically concentrated around cheap geothermal and hydroelectric or state-subsidized (China) electricity areas.


If Bitcoin skyrockets in price, it could cause an unstoppable explosion in people using computers to do worthless math calculations, generating heat in the process. Thus, the earth gets hotter due to the greed of humanity. Hell on earth - Satan's paradise.